PC boots on its own - WAKE ON LAN DISABLED!! HELP



Hi all,

I am really getting worried now. There are 2 strange behavings:

1.) PC restarts suddenly in the middle of work
The restart takes about 0.5 seconds, it's like someone pressed the
powerbutton. It just switches off without shuting down. After that it
restarts without any message..nothing. nothing in the eventviewer

2.) PC boots up on its own (it was definitely shut down!)
Wake on lan/ring/modem etc is all switched off but it still boots

Virus check done. nothing. Firewall on. WHAT THE HELL IS IT DOING?

Can someone help me and give me a hint how this is possible? Can I
track these shutdowns somehow?

I am running Windows XP

Please help :((



You'll need to do a little trouble shooting for there could be many reasons for
this to happen. One is a power surge that could cause that, and check for
grounding. The other, could be malware on your PC.
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Reboot - Windows Boots without warning!
By default when WinXP encounters a system failure, it reboots without
warning. The setting that controls this can be changed:
Control Panel/System/Advanced/Settings (Startup & Recovery)/System
Failure/Uncheck-Automatically Restart.
You can use Event Viewer to view and manage the event logs, gather
information about hardware and software problems, and monitor Windows
security events.
To view the event log: Administrative Tools/Event Viewer or
To review Shutdown Event Tracker data, Open Event Viewer. Click System Log,
scroll to the Event column, and find entries with the number 1075.

Nathan Gaskin

I experienced a problem similar to this recently.

The culprit was the small cable that runs from the power button on the case
to the motherboard. Try removing it and using a screwdriver or something
metallic to jump the two pins to start the PC and see if the behaviour
continues. Best use something insulated though, although I doubt you'd get
much of a shock from it! ;)


Thanks for your help. I'll check through all the powerstuff, maybe
it's my power-thing that is broken?!
I did a malware check and there wasn't anything on it (well the normal
dailer-stuff removed it but the problem still appears).
I hope I don't get a new hairdress when I try to check the little
cable to the mainboard :))

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