Outlook Send/Receive not Working



Please Help! My Administrator has Windows Xp with Office 2003. We are on
Active Directory, Server 2003, with My Documents and Application Data folders
redirected to our file server. Recently, my administrator reported that he
receives a few emails in the am, nothing through out the afternoon UNTIL he
reboots his computer then he receives many emails that he should have
received earlier in the day. This is really getting him in an angry state and
I can't figure out what or why it is doing this. This only happens to him and
one other staff member (that I know of). Both are power users with a great
deal of email activity every day. Please Help!!!!!


Hi Kathy,

I would suggest you to rename the Outlook.ost file to Outlook.old
before this, make sure outlook is closed
default path for .OST file is:
C:\Documents and Settings\logon account name\Local Settings\Application
now when you open outlook, it will recreate the .OST file

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