Outlook 2003 issues


Andy Elmhorst

I have upgraded to Office 2003 and am very happy overall with the
improvements to the product. I do, however, have a few issues that appear to
be happening . . .

The new junk email feature appears to be much better than the old one. It is
catching 100% of my spam and not moving anything there that it shouldn't. I
normally use Outlook in Cached Exchange Mode, which is cool. However, I
noticed that when I switch back to normal mode, the junk email filter
stopped working. Basically, all of the spam stayed in the inbox. I switch
back to Cached Exchange mode and the junk email filter works fine.

The other anomaly I noticed is that in Cached Exchange mode, Microsoft
Active Sync (3.7.1) appears to get out of sync occasionally, especially in
the afternoon when our email server gets bogged down. I don't know for sure,
but it almost appears that it is not synching with the Cached Exchange data
that I actually see in Outlook, but synching with the server folder instead.

Occasionally I get a whole rash of emails in my inbox at once in Cached
Mode, emails that actually arrived in my email inbox hours earlier.

Even with the above problems, Outlook appears to handle our slow server
better in Cached Exchange mode, so I'm going to keep with it for now.


Andy Elmhorst

Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

Junk E-Mail doesn't work in non-Cached Exchange.

With your other issues, hmmm, I'd suggest deleting the OST file and starting
with a new OST file. Outlook will recreate it. See if that helps your

Patricia Cardoza
Outlook MVP

Author, Special Edition Using Microsoft Outlook 2003

***Please post all replies to the newsgroups***

Andy Elmhorst

Patricia Cardoza - said:
Junk E-Mail doesn't work in non-Cached Exchange.

Wow, it would have been nice if this would have jumped out to me from the
documentation, but I must have missed it.

With your other issues, hmmm, I'd suggest deleting the OST file and starting
with a new OST file. Outlook will recreate it. See if that helps your

I did this twice. It appears that Microsoft Active Sync is not able to keep
in Synch With Outlook 2003 in cached Exchange Server mode It appears to stay
in sync for awhile, but after a few hours it stops. Removing my PDA from
it's base and then reconnecting seems to fix it. I'm going to try switching
to manual synchronization in ActiveSync, but this is annoying!

Andy Elmhorst

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