Operation of Display Generator Circuit


Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
I spent a good two hours looking for any info on the operation of the Display generator Circuit used in CRT monitors.

Anyone have any idea how this works, or know of any good links that can tell me, i can be very thankful. The name of this may of changed from awhile ago, so it anyone thinks they may know what it can be under a different name then please let me know!

Thank you,

Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
Kye said:
I spent a good two hours looking for any info on the operation of the Display generator Circuit used in CRT monitors.

Anyone have any idea how this works, or know of any good links that can tell me, i can be very thankful. The name of this may of changed from awhile ago, so it anyone thinks they may know what it can be under a different name then please let me know!

Thank you,

Did you get any info about the display generator circuit, if so could you please send it to me for i have also been looking for the same with no success. If you can help i also want to know what the video combiner does on a SVGA graphics card any info would be a great help.
Thanks alot Craig.

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