opening 2007 documents in office 2003



Hi All,

Can you help pls, I recently send a 2007 document to a customer who had
office 2003, he explained to me that when the document opened it was
unreadable... is 2007 compatable with 2003 and if so is there a different
format I need to save it in prior to sending.
Many thanks,


To share with customers with older versions, choose Save as... and change the
files of type to Word 97-2003 Document. If most of the people you're sending
files to still have older versions of Word, you can make this the default for
all new documents in the word options dialog box, save section. Just change
Save files in this format: to same...

Herb Tyson [MVP]

As BoniM indicates, the way to guarantee they'll be able to read it is to
save from Word 2007 into Word 97-2003 format. However, Microsoft does offer
a free compatibility pack for users of Office XP and Office 2003 that allows
them to open the new ***x format files. It's here:

A caveat, however, is that if your .docx file uses any of Word 2007's new
features, the Word 2003/XP users will not see those, and if they save the
file in 97-2003 format, the new features will be stripped out. So, when
you're planning to send files to Word 2003/XP users, either save directly in
97-2003 format, or use the compatibility checker to make sure you won't be
losing any information (Office > Prepare > Run Compatibility Checker).

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