off-load your printing needs


Arthur Entlich

Try telling that to the 100's of cruise ship passengers that have gotten
sick lately on bad food. If someone tells me to stay away from the salad
bar, I'm not going to be stubborn about it and go ahead anyway.

Oh really? Which was it - the chocolate ice cream or the cheese cake
that did them in? ;-)


Arthur Entlich

Hey, Natural Philosopher... perhaps part of your "Philosophy" might
include such expansive concepts as reading a thread through before
commenting upon it, since you seem to have missed the whole point of
this one... or is that against "Natural Philosophy"? ;-)


Arthur Entlich

Quite the judgment call. Glad your psychic.

You obviously knew that I ordered chocolate ice cream in spite of really
desiring the cheesecake, even when I didn't even know it.

Now that you're psychic, I suppose the next step is working on remote


The Natural Philosopher

Arthur said:
Hey, Natural Philosopher... perhaps part of your "Philosophy" might
include such expansive concepts as reading a thread through before
commenting upon it, since you seem to have missed the whole point of
this one... or is that against "Natural Philosophy"? ;-)

I do admit to jumping half way with a burden of irritation..;-|)

Arthur Entlich

Thank you for clearing that up. You might have determined that your
irritation was misplaced, in terms of the person it was directed toward,
had you read the thread more carefully.


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