Ode to Kurttrail...


Michael Stevens

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Alias said:
Most of the world considers the USA to be THE threat after studying how
they bomb innocent civilians, torture people, lock people up without
charge or legal recourse, etc.

If you think Bush is in Iraq to protect your "freedom", you're very naive.


<This is totaly off topic but I want to express my displesure for our
current goverments leadership
Plus the Bush administration is guilty of killing more innocent Iraq
citizens than Sadam is being tried for and if found guilty will be put to
death. Where is the justice? Who is the real terrorist in the eyes of the
world? I am ashamed that our brave soldiers are forced to follow our idiot
commander in chief and his evil puppet meister advisors.
Chaney and his OIL driven agenda and his Halliburton connection is pushing
the buttons for this administrations and has been from the start.
Halliburton has gained wealth beyond reason from this war and there is
nothing to show any effect of the money the US public paid Halliburton has
benefited any of the Iraq recovery. Where is the billons of yours and mine
dollars showing up in Iraq?
I don't see anything but red ink and total world wide disrespect as our
return for what Bush and Chaney will give us as their legacy. Now they want
to extend it to Iran, can we somehow as a nation stop them?>
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


<This is totaly off topic but I want to express my displesure for our
current goverments leadership
Plus the Bush administration is guilty of killing more innocent Iraq
citizens than Sadam>

I realize that many have called our intelligence either lies or
failures, but now we see that those detractors were themselves wrong.

What have I said since day one? What has been the stance of those that
I've had this very discussion with? They repeated the Dem's mantra that
I was mistaken - said in such a way that my friends wouldn't offend me,
since I am a friend - I assume. Well, maybe those that have said these
things to me will now reconsider in light of these documents? Maybe?
Or, will they still let emotion rule their search for the truth. I
guess that time will tell.

I look for the evidence, not letting emotion cloud my judgment - or
class rhetoric - BECAUSE I want to know the truth, regardless of how
painful it might be to me personally. I'd rather now the TRUTH than
live in a fantasy. Especially a fantasy of someone else's creation.

For those that are interested in the truth - or at least the truth as
I've always professed it to be - please read this article an follow the
links herein.

You can find the documents metioned below on the Homeland Defense
website (links to DNI). President Bush has ordered that the video/audio
tapes (over 3000 hours) be made available to the public. I fully expect
that there will be a number of people that will not even look at these
documents for fear that our President (and most of the World's
intelligence agencies) will be proven to be correct in the assessments
about Iraq and it's complicity with terrorist groups (yes, even the WMD
assessments). Don't forget - Abu Nidal was given safehaven in Iraq.

Newly released document
links Saddam to al-Qaida
Indicates regime was cooperating with bin Laden group to strike U.S.

Posted: March 17, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

(c) 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Among the pre-war documents posted online yesterday by the Pentagon is a
letter from a member of Saddam's intelligence apparatus indicating al-
Qaida and the Taliban had a relationship with the regime prior to the 9-
11 attacks.

The letter by the member of Saddam's Al Mukabarat to a superior, dated
Sept. 15, 2001, reports a pre-9/11 conversation between an Iraqi
intelligence source and a Taliban Afghani consul.

The documents were released yesterday at the direction of National
Intelligence Director John Negroponte.
Among the first batch of the thousands expected to be declassified over
the next several months, the Al Mukabarat document was translated from
the original Arabic by a contributor to the online forum Free Republic.

Laura Mansfield, an independent Middle East analyst, examined the
translation for WorldNetDaily and said it appears to be accurate.

The letter indicated Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan were
in contact with Iraq - noting a specific visit to Baghdad - and said the
U.S. had proof Saddam's regime and al-Qaida were cooperating to hit a
target in the U.S.

The document said the U.S. was aware of such a relationship and could
strike Iraq and Afghanistan if the attacks proved to be tied to bin
Laden and the Taliban.

The translated text is as follows:.

In the Name of God the Merciful
Presidency of the Republic
Intelligence Apparatus
To the respectful Mr. M.A.M
Subject: Information
Our source in Afghanistan No 11002 (for information about him see
attachment 1) provided us with information that that Afghani Consul
Ahmad Dahestani (for information about him see attachment 2) told him
the following:

1. That Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan are in contact
with Iraq and it that previously a group from Taliban and Osama Bin
Laden group visited Iraq.

2. That America has proof that the government of Iraq and Osama bin
Laden group have shown cooperation to hit target within America.

3. That in case it is proven the involvement of Osama bin Laden group
and the Taliban in these destructive operations it is possible that
American will conduct strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

4. That the Afghani Consul heard about the subject of Iraq relation with
Osama Bin Laden group during his stay in Iran.

5. In light of this we suggest to write to the Commission of the above
Please view... Yours... With regards
Signature:......, Initials : A.M.M, 15/9/2001
Foot note: Immediately send to the Chairman of Commission

Zarqawi a pre-war presence?
Mansfield pointed to another document showing that less than a year
after the 9-11 attacks, Saddam's government had identified at least one
active al-Qaida cell in his country.

The document, released only in Arabic, is described by the U.S.
government as follows:

2002 Iraqi Intelligence Correspondence concerning the presence of al-
Qaida Members in Iraq. Correspondence between IRS members on a
suspicion, later confirmed, of the presence of an Al-Qaeda terrorist
group. Moreover, it includes photos and names.

Mansfield said a translation of the document shows the al-Qaida
terrorist Saddam's government had identified was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
who emerged as one of the leading terrorists in post-Saddam Hussein

The document, dated Aug. 17, 2002, identifies the al-Qaida member as
Ahmed Fadil Nizal Al Khalaylah, the real name of Zarqawi, and includes a
series of photos.

A memo within the document shows that as early Aug. 8, 2002, Zarqawi was
identified as a member of "Tanzeem al-Qaida," or the "Al-Qaida

"This document provides startling documentation that at the very least
that Saddam Hussein's government knew that al-Qaida was active and
functioning in Iraq," Mansfield said.

She pointed out that although the document goes on to outline activities
of the group, there is no indication the Iraqi government took any steps
to stop al-Qaida from operating within Iraq, in clear defiance of
international law.

Weekly Standard reporter Stephen Hayes, whose reporting has helped move
members of Congress to call for release of the documents, nevertheless,
has cautioned that they are published with a caveat. The Pentagon
website says: "The U.S. Government has made no determination regarding
the authenticity of the documents, validity or factual accuracy of the
information contained therein, or the quality of any translations, when

The administration's intent is to allow lawmakers and the public to
investigate the documents' claims about controversial issues such as
weapons of mass destruction and al-Qaida's relationship to the regime
prior to the March 2003 invasion.

House Intelligence Chairman Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., requested the
release, and last weekend Negroponte agreed to set up the website.

Hoekstra said in a statement he welcomed the opportunity to answer
questions critical to the debate over the war.
"Whether Saddam Hussein destroyed Iraq's weapons of mass destruction or
hid or transferred them, the most important thing is we discover the
truth of what was happening in the country prior to the war," he said.

In 2003, a 16-page top secret government memo to the Senate Intelligence
Committee said bin Laden and Saddam had an operational relationship from
the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in explosives and weapons
of mass destruction, as well as financial and logistical support, and
may have included the bombing of the USS Cole and the Sept. 11 attacks.

"The memo, dated Oct. 27, 2003, was sent from Undersecretary of Defense
for Policy Douglas J. Feith to Senators Pat Roberts and Jay Rockefeller,
the chairman and vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee,"
reported the Weekly Standard. It was written in response to a request
from the committee as part of its investigation into prewar intelligence
claims made by the administration.

According to the Weekly Standard, the memo reports Saddam's willingness
to help bin Laden plot against Americans began in 1990, shortly before
the first Gulf War, and continued until the eve of the U.S.-led invasion
of Iraq in 2003. It says bin Laden sent ''emissaries to Jordan in 1990
to meet with Iraqi government officials.'' At some unspecified point in
1991, according to a CIA analysis, ''Iraq sought Sudan's assistance to
establish links to al-Qaida.''

Michael Stevens

xheggenvy said:
Ah, but then this should be labeled as moderated, not as PUBLIC.

I have the right to post. MS has the right to pull my posts. But
what does pulling my posts actually accomplish?

Does it make me look like the fool, or does it make MS look like a

They got all the power, but kurttrail must be stopped! ROFL!

I am totally insignificant in comparison to MS. Yet they waste their
time and money with me. It is totally ludicrous!

I know if the positions were reversed, and I had all the power, I
would just ignore some insignificant individual, because who really
gives a rat's ass about what they say.

It's like Tom Cruise suing everybody and their mother for printing the
rumors he is gay. By doing it, even though you ends up winning, I
still think that since he is so affected by it, that he really has
something to hide.

Same with MS & me. By paying such scrutiny to me, they are giving me
more credit than I am really due, and ends up just convincing people
that maybe MS really has something to hide to.

Free Speech = no sense of ethics! Typical LameGirl!

LOL! I love free speech, ESPECIALLY for you right wing nut jobs!
Ya'll are free to continually put you foot into your mouths, and we
rational types get to laugh at you over and over again!

Well that pretty much put the nail in the coffin. Anyone that knows our
history knows that you and I don't agree on much of the fundementals about
activation, but I would never want to deny you the right to express your
opinion. I am appalled with the current administrators of this newsgroup, it
is embarrassing that they have deemed you as such a useless resource of
information to ban all your posts. This is not acceptable and should be
brought to the attention of the public media on how free speech is not free
in the Microsoft newsgroups.
Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

e. Setup a newsreader.

Michael Stevens

Leythos said:
I realize that many have called our intelligence either lies or
failures, but now we see that those detractors were themselves wrong.

What have I said since day one? What has been the stance of those
that I've had this very discussion with? They repeated the Dem's
mantra that I was mistaken - said in such a way that my friends
wouldn't offend me, since I am a friend - I assume. Well, maybe
those that have said these things to me will now reconsider in light
of these documents? Maybe? Or, will they still let emotion rule
their search for the truth. I guess that time will tell.

I look for the evidence, not letting emotion cloud my judgment - or
class rhetoric - BECAUSE I want to know the truth, regardless of how
painful it might be to me personally. I'd rather now the TRUTH than
live in a fantasy. Especially a fantasy of someone else's creation.

For those that are interested in the truth - or at least the truth as
I've always professed it to be - please read this article an follow
the links herein.

You can find the documents metioned below on the Homeland Defense
website (links to DNI). President Bush has ordered that the
video/audio tapes (over 3000 hours) be made available to the public.
I fully expect that there will be a number of people that will not
even look at these documents for fear that our President (and most of
the World's intelligence agencies) will be proven to be correct in
the assessments about Iraq and it's complicity with terrorist groups
(yes, even the WMD assessments). Don't forget - Abu Nidal was given
safehaven in Iraq.

Newly released document
links Saddam to al-Qaida
Indicates regime was cooperating with bin Laden group to strike U.S.

Posted: March 17, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern

(c) 2006 WorldNetDaily.com

Among the pre-war documents posted online yesterday by the Pentagon
is a letter from a member of Saddam's intelligence apparatus
indicating al- Qaida and the Taliban had a relationship with the
regime prior to the 9- 11 attacks.

The letter by the member of Saddam's Al Mukabarat to a superior, dated
Sept. 15, 2001, reports a pre-9/11 conversation between an Iraqi
intelligence source and a Taliban Afghani consul.

The documents were released yesterday at the direction of National
Intelligence Director John Negroponte.
Among the first batch of the thousands expected to be declassified
over the next several months, the Al Mukabarat document was
translated from the original Arabic by a contributor to the online
forum Free Republic.

Laura Mansfield, an independent Middle East analyst, examined the
translation for WorldNetDaily and said it appears to be accurate.

The letter indicated Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan
were in contact with Iraq - noting a specific visit to Baghdad - and
said the U.S. had proof Saddam's regime and al-Qaida were cooperating
to hit a target in the U.S.

The document said the U.S. was aware of such a relationship and could
strike Iraq and Afghanistan if the attacks proved to be tied to bin
Laden and the Taliban.

The translated text is as follows:.

In the Name of God the Merciful
Presidency of the Republic
Intelligence Apparatus
To the respectful Mr. M.A.M
Subject: Information
Our source in Afghanistan No 11002 (for information about him see
attachment 1) provided us with information that that Afghani Consul
Ahmad Dahestani (for information about him see attachment 2) told him
the following:

1. That Osama bin Laden and the Taliban in Afghanistan are in contact
with Iraq and it that previously a group from Taliban and Osama Bin
Laden group visited Iraq.

2. That America has proof that the government of Iraq and Osama bin
Laden group have shown cooperation to hit target within America.

3. That in case it is proven the involvement of Osama bin Laden group
and the Taliban in these destructive operations it is possible that
American will conduct strikes in Iraq and Afghanistan.

4. That the Afghani Consul heard about the subject of Iraq relation
with Osama Bin Laden group during his stay in Iran.

5. In light of this we suggest to write to the Commission of the above
Please view... Yours... With regards
Signature:......, Initials : A.M.M, 15/9/2001
Foot note: Immediately send to the Chairman of Commission

Zarqawi a pre-war presence?
Mansfield pointed to another document showing that less than a year
after the 9-11 attacks, Saddam's government had identified at least
one active al-Qaida cell in his country.

The document, released only in Arabic, is described by the U.S.
government as follows:

2002 Iraqi Intelligence Correspondence concerning the presence of al-
Qaida Members in Iraq. Correspondence between IRS members on a
suspicion, later confirmed, of the presence of an Al-Qaeda terrorist
group. Moreover, it includes photos and names.

Mansfield said a translation of the document shows the al-Qaida
terrorist Saddam's government had identified was Abu Musab al-Zarqawi,
who emerged as one of the leading terrorists in post-Saddam Hussein

The document, dated Aug. 17, 2002, identifies the al-Qaida member as
Ahmed Fadil Nizal Al Khalaylah, the real name of Zarqawi, and
includes a series of photos.

A memo within the document shows that as early Aug. 8, 2002, Zarqawi
was identified as a member of "Tanzeem al-Qaida," or the "Al-Qaida

"This document provides startling documentation that at the very least
that Saddam Hussein's government knew that al-Qaida was active and
functioning in Iraq," Mansfield said.

She pointed out that although the document goes on to outline
activities of the group, there is no indication the Iraqi government
took any steps to stop al-Qaida from operating within Iraq, in clear
defiance of international law.

Weekly Standard reporter Stephen Hayes, whose reporting has helped
move members of Congress to call for release of the documents,
nevertheless, has cautioned that they are published with a caveat.
The Pentagon website says: "The U.S. Government has made no
determination regarding the authenticity of the documents, validity
or factual accuracy of the information contained therein, or the
quality of any translations, when available."

The administration's intent is to allow lawmakers and the public to
investigate the documents' claims about controversial issues such as
weapons of mass destruction and al-Qaida's relationship to the regime
prior to the March 2003 invasion.

House Intelligence Chairman Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich., requested the
release, and last weekend Negroponte agreed to set up the website.

Hoekstra said in a statement he welcomed the opportunity to answer
questions critical to the debate over the war.
"Whether Saddam Hussein destroyed Iraq's weapons of mass destruction
or hid or transferred them, the most important thing is we discover
the truth of what was happening in the country prior to the war," he

In 2003, a 16-page top secret government memo to the Senate
Intelligence Committee said bin Laden and Saddam had an operational
relationship from the early 1990s to 2003 that involved training in
explosives and weapons of mass destruction, as well as financial and
logistical support, and may have included the bombing of the USS Cole
and the Sept. 11 attacks.

"The memo, dated Oct. 27, 2003, was sent from Undersecretary of
Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith to Senators Pat Roberts and Jay
Rockefeller, the chairman and vice chairman of the Senate
Intelligence Committee," reported the Weekly Standard. It was written
in response to a request from the committee as part of its
investigation into prewar intelligence claims made by the

According to the Weekly Standard, the memo reports Saddam's
willingness to help bin Laden plot against Americans began in 1990,
shortly before the first Gulf War, and continued until the eve of the
U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. It says bin Laden sent
''emissaries to Jordan in 1990 to meet with Iraqi government
officials.'' At some unspecified point in 1991, according to a CIA
analysis, ''Iraq sought Sudan's assistance to establish links to

If we knew all this, that would mean we could have considered pursing
diplomatic solutions, and monitored the terrroists activities.
We didn't follow this option, why didn't we? Could it be Chaney didn't think
the profit margin was in the interest of Halliburton's profit goals?

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.


If we knew all this, that would mean we could have considered pursing
diplomatic solutions, and monitored the terrroists activities.
We didn't follow this option, why didn't we? Could it be Chaney didn't think
the profit margin was in the interest of Halliburton's profit goals?

Mike, you mean the 10 years of sanctions, the monitoring that was
diverted by Iraq, the years of letting them kill us, didn't count in
your mind?


Leythos said:
Mike, you mean the 10 years of sanctions, the monitoring that was
diverted by Iraq, the years of letting them kill us, didn't count in
your mind?

Let's see, the USA has the largest stockpile of WMDs in the world. Bush
used and is using WMDs in Iraq and Afghanistan and you think the USA is
in a position to tell countries that they have no right to WMDs?

And you think you can lecture people on integrity and morals ... It's
Ugly Americans like you that give the USA a bad name.


Michael Stevens

Leythos said:
Mike, you mean the 10 years of sanctions, the monitoring that was
diverted by Iraq, the years of letting them kill us, didn't count in
your mind?

I am throughly embarrassed by this current administration, and you did not
address a single concern I listed in my post. Iraq was not responsible for
the 911 attack!
We are now responsible for more deaths of innocent Iraq citizens than Saddam
Hussien is being tried for and the court is seeking the death penealty for
his crimes. Who should be tried for the innocent deathts incurred since his
capture? How do you ratioinalize this carnage?
The bottom line is we should have never invaded this country when we still
had other alternatives. Bush and his advisors were and still are idiots, and
with a 37% approval and going down, it looks like America is finally getting
message on how inept the Bush administration has handled the interests of
our country.

Michael Stevens MS-MVP XP
(e-mail address removed)
For a better newsgroup experience. Setup a newsreader.

Kerry Brown

Michael Stevens wrote:

I am throughly embarrassed by this current administration, and you
did not address a single concern I listed in my post. Iraq was not
responsible for the 911 attack!
We are now responsible for more deaths of innocent Iraq citizens than
Saddam Hussien is being tried for and the court is seeking the death
penealty for his crimes. Who should be tried for the innocent deathts
incurred since his capture? How do you ratioinalize this carnage?
The bottom line is we should have never invaded this country when we
still had other alternatives. Bush and his advisors were and still
are idiots, and with a 37% approval and going down, it looks like
America is finally getting message on how inept the Bush
administration has handled the interests of our country.

If you want some scary reading that may help to explain at least some of
Bush's policies check some of the links in this search.


The really scary thing to me is that our newly elected PM here in Canada is
also known to have been influenced by Strauss.



I am throughly embarrassed by this current administration, and you did not
address a single concern I listed in my post. Iraq was not responsible for
the 911 attack!

That you currently know of - as more information comes out, you might be
surprised to learn about assistance from Iraq/Syria/Iran.....
We are now responsible for more deaths of innocent Iraq citizens than Saddam
Hussien is being tried for and the court is seeking the death penealty for
his crimes. Who should be tried for the innocent deathts incurred since his
capture? How do you ratioinalize this carnage?

Terrorists are responsible for it, not the US. It would have never
started if not for the Terrorists. Keep your head out of the left media
hype and you'll see more.
The bottom line is we should have never invaded this country when we still
had other alternatives.

Please identify those "Alternatives", based on all the UN resolutions,
the theft by UN and Iraq, the French/Germans providing restricted
weapons during the sanction period, the continued killing, the continued
building of chemical/bio weapons programs.... Oh, lets not forget the
continued torture of Iraqi's that didn't hold Sadamm's beliefs.... Based
on waiting 10 years for him to comply with the UN Sancations/Rules...

What, specifically, should have been done that wasn't already done?
Bush and his advisors were and still are idiots, and
with a 37% approval and going down, it looks like America is finally getting
message on how inept the Bush administration has handled the interests of
our country.

Just because the sheep follow the media political machine and the left
idiots, it doesn't mean the war or the President is wrong - a lot of
good things are unpopular when done.

It's good to see that you didn't dispute the documents, as more come out
you may change your opinion if you look at facts instead of emotion and


Leythos said:
Coming from you, Alias, I take that as a complement.

Once again, all you can come up with are ad hominem attacks and you
aren't capable of doing anything but snipping the issues due to your
inability to respond to the truth.

What has the illegal war on Iraq accomplished besides murdering over
100,000 innocent Iraqi citizens, throwing the country into civil war,
sending over 2000 Americans back home in a box, allowing Halliburton to
make billions on "reconstruction" and the Exxons of the world to make a
killing on the rise of the price of oil?

Prediction: Bush will allow another 9/11 before the November elections
and will blame it on the Iranians and attack them.



aka@ said:
What has the illegal war on Iraq

Show me were it's been declared Illegal by a court, until that time,
you're just coming up with "ad hominem attacks".

If you stuck with facts you would be a lot better off.


Leythos said:
Show me were it's been declared Illegal by a court, until that time,
you're just coming up with "ad hominem attacks".

I call it illegal. It's my opinion, one shared by *most* of the world.
Iraq didn't attack the USA or even threaten to attack the USA (or anyone
else for that matter). If your argument is maybe they had WMDs, China,
N. Korea, Israel, et al have WMDs but the USA isn't attacking them. For
that matter, the USA has the biggest stockpile of WMDs in the world and
I doubt you would think that an attack on the USA would be justified due
to this.
If you stuck with facts you would be a lot better off.

LOL! You have avoided just about every fact I've posted.

For example, can you answer this question that you snipped?:

What has the illegal war on Iraq accomplished besides murdering over
100,000 innocent Iraqi citizens, throwing the country into civil war,
sending over 2000 Americans back home in a box, allowing Halliburton to
make billions on "reconstruction" and the Exxons of the world to make a
killing on the rise of the price of oil?


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

That is not all you said Kurt.
You did NOT say "wish", you said "hope", go back and read what you said,
perhaps it will be news to you.
You are changing your own words.
The context---you hoped my family would starve and dehydrate so that I could
see what it is like to see my family suffer.
Your hate drives you so much you feel it is important enough for others
unknown to you to be hurt to teach me something you ASSUME I do not know.
If you do know, post the source for this fact, otherwise it is an assumption
on your part.
If it is not hate, what is it that drives you to want others unknown to you
to suffer so much?
I would NEVER wish or hope for anything bad to happen to your family.
You probably still can not comprehend that some would "NEVER" want something
bad to happen and that is a major difference between us.
Since I do not hate anyone, I will NEVER wish or hope bad to happen as you

"I'm man enough not to cry about it"
And yet that is exactly what you are doing about your deleted posts.
Perhaps you are not "man enough"

Jupiter Jones [MVP]


Leythos wrote:

(c) 2006 WorldNetDaily.com


That's a more unreliable source than the CIA!

Two, Did you seek and get their permission to reprint their
copyrighted material in its entirety here?

Frys-nabvagrq Zbqrengbe
"Gehfgjbegul Pbzchgvat" vf bayl nabgure rknzcyr bs na Bklzbeba!
"Cebqhxg-Nxgvivrehat znpug serv"


aka@ said:
LOL! You have avoided just about every fact I've posted.

For example, can you answer this question that you snipped?:

Wrong, your question is invalid, until you can format one with facts I
don't see the point in answering it - to answer any part would indicate
I believe in what you state in parts of the question - and I'm not
falling for that crap from you.


Mike, you mean the 10 years of sanctions, the monitoring that was
diverted by Iraq, the years of letting them kill us, didn't count in
your mind?

When did Iraq kill any American after the first Gulf War?

And the sanctions & inspections worked good enough to rid Saddam of
WMDs by the mid-1990s!

Frys-nabvagrq Zbqrengbe
"Gehfgjbegul Pbzchgvat" vf bayl nabgure rknzcyr bs na Bklzbeba!
"Cebqhxg-Nxgvivrehat znpug serv"


When did Iraq kill any American after the first Gulf War?

Sadam was providing funding and materials to terrorists - he even said
And the sanctions & inspections worked good enough to rid Saddam of
WMDs by the mid-1990s!

Except that they were still there while we were going in this time...


Leythos said:
Wrong, your question is invalid, until you can format one with facts I
don't see the point in answering it - to answer any part would indicate
I believe in what you state in parts of the question - and I'm not
falling for that crap from you.

Translation: Leythos has no credible response and, once again, relies on
ad hominems to lamely try to hide that fact.


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