Now That's What I Call Support And Service


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
We have an iRobot vacuum cleaner which runs around by itself and does a reasonably good job in cleaning up. Anyway, we got an error message on it, “Error 1 Right” which meant a problem with the right side drive wheel, and it would only do jerky backwards movements which meant when it got into a corner it couldn’t get out. I checked the two year warranty dates and yes, it had expired ten days earlier. :mad:

I tried some of the suggestions in the FAQs but no luck so I took the dreaded step of contacting Support. I was amazed to find that after three rings I was speaking to a person (not a machine) in the US !! :eek: And, he was very knowledgeable and immediately knew what I was talking about. When I mentioned that the warranty had expired he felt “that he could probably squeeze it through” even though I was ten days late. He said that he would send a replacement right wheel unit and there would be no charges.

The following day I got an email stating that they would not be sending a right wheel replacement but that I would receive both right and left wheels still for no charge, “just in case”. A couple of days later they duly arrived from Holland and I changed the faulty one in about five minutes. Now running normally again. :)

From initial breakdown to fully repaired, six days and involving UK, US and Holland. What service !! :thumb:


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I take my
to them



Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
Hurrah - that's great to hear! Nice that they did that, even though it was out of warranty :).

Do you find that you still need to do a big clean with a manual vacuum occasionally, or does the robot do a really good job?


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Do you find that you still need to do a big clean with a manual vacuum occasionally, or does the robot do a really good job?

It's certainly not perfect, the biggest problem being the tiny area right in the corners which do need an extra clean with a standard cleaner. And yes, we do a "big" clean with the more powerful Dyson every now and then but in general we find it very useful in that you can walk away and leave it to get on while you do something else. We got it a couple of years ago after Kathy had arm surgery and found the ordinary cleaner was a bit of a struggle.

We are very happy with it and "he" has become like a pet. He even has a name, Ronnie (the Robot) and when recharging is deemed to have "gone to bed". I'm told that just about everyone that owns one has a name for it. :D

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