Not receiving attachments



My boss's computer at home will only accpet attachments if she is the only
recipient. If there is multiple people the attachment does not show, if you
forward that email to her again, it still does not show. Only if you send a
new email, with only her name does she recieve, or if you reply to an email
she has sent you...

Does any one have any ideas?


Nomes said:
My boss's computer at home will only accpet attachments if she is the
recipient. If there is multiple people the attachment does not show,
if you
forward that email to her again, it still does not show. Only if you
send a
new email, with only her name does she recieve, or if you reply to an
she has sent you...

So when you send her a test e-mail that has multiple recipients and an
attachment, is the attachment there or missing when she uses the webmail
interface to her e-mail account? Check to see what is up on the server
before trying to yank it using a local e-mail client.

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