non-visible title bar



I'm using Adobe PhotoShop 7.0 and when I open my file
browser within that program, I can not see the title bar
for the file browser. It seems to be "stuck" up
underneath the title bar for photoshop window. It makes
it so that I can't move the file browser window, or
minimize/maximize it. It also happens to be far
enough "underneath" that I can't read part of the top
portion of the file browser window either. I hope I'm
making sense to someone cause I need to fix it, quick!!
Hopefully this is something to do with Windows, if not I
guess I will try the Adobe website as well.
Thanks in advance for any help. Oh and if it matters, I
am running Windows XP Professional

Pat Garard

Copied from PhotoShop Help:

Choose File > Browse or Window > File Browser. By default, the File Browser
is displayed in the palette well. To display the File Browser in a separate
window, choose Show in Separate Window from the palette menu. For more
information on using palettes in the palette well, see Using the palette
well (Photoshop).

Click on the Browser Tab in the Palette Well (Top RH Corner).
The Browser will appear, and the Browser Tab WILL NOW
have a small triangle in it. Click this triangle and select:
"Show in Separate Window"
Hope this helps!

Pat Garard

"One look is worth a thousand rumours."
Wen Hou, Warring States Period.

"Look twice!"
Pat Garard, 2003.

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