Non-administrator cannot see installed printer



I'm running a brand new WinXP Pro machine at work. Being
brand new, I had to load in the network printers used in
the office. To do this, I logged in as my network
administrator account.

Problem is this. After I have installed everything, when
the user (without administrator rights) logged in to the
PC, he cannot see the printers that I have installed.
Under Ctrl Panel -> Printers and Faxes he cannot see any
printers listed. But when I relog in as my account, I can
see ALL the network printers that I previously installed.

Can anyone offer me any advise on this please?

Phil \(a.k.a. purplehaz\)

Log into the users account and add the printer. Set them to admin
temporarily if needed to install printer, then set them back.

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