Nexus 7 Update

Jun 30, 2005
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I have a hardly used Nexus 7 Tablet. I took it back to Factory settings so that i could give it to a friends son. I now wish i had just deleted my apps. It updated to Verson 6, but will not update to version 7 Nougat. Does anyone have any links that i can use to update it. Thanks in avance
Thanks Ian, i found some drivers for the Usb and the files for Nougat, but it states it has to be installed on the SD card. The model doesn't have a SD card slot. I must have updated it myself a few years ago, but i cant remember how. Thanks again
Thanks for repying EmmaBarr. It updated from 5 to 6, but not 7. There are no auto updates for 7. You can download the files on a PC, but they must be installed on a SD Card. There's no SD Card on the Tablet, so i gave up. I am now trying to update a 10 Inch Pilot Tablet. That's got version 5, and will not auto update to 6