justamailman said:
yes I am french and I am sure you knew it
Thank you for your patience with me.
When I bought the laptop second hand , the video card was installed but
probably running with an old driver or the default windows one for it as I
understand it. When I first realize it , it was when I have tried to use
the laptop with a projector and found out I could'nt get it to project on
the screw. I than made some search for a update driver for the card
installed (nvidia geforce440). After finding it at their Nvidia website, I
did download it and was happy to see so much options offered to me with
that new driver. I was enjoying all that whith the card set up at the max
resolution available to me until recently when I boot up the resolution
was suddenly changed to a lower one which take up only 3/4 of my screen .
I did change it back using the display set up hoping that after clicking
apply it would keep it again but to my surprise It does not keep it and at
each booting it comes back to the lower one. An other point is that when I
was changing resolution before I had an option to watch it for a little
while before accepting the new choice otherwise it was coming back to the
previous resolution by itself. That option is not happening anymore. I
hope it is more clear for you.
And sorry for my english, thank you again for helping people like me. I
have realized that some here have not your patience and even insult the
searcher which is very sad.
Bonsoir. Oui, mon ami, mais pas un Français. Peut-être CANADIA ? De la
région de Toronto ?
Votre anglais est mieux que mon français, je pense ?
Et votre anglais est mieux que quelques anglais parlant des personnes dans
ces groupes
Si vous préférez, ceux-ci sont le français parlant des groupes qui sont
fr windowsxp
fr windowsxp connexion
fr windowsxp debutants
fr windowsxp installation
fr windowsxp materiel
fr windowsxp multimedia
Perhaps you may feel you can express yourself there.
I do not mind.
Cela est la fin de mon français pour ce soir :-(
Some do insult visitors who do not use perfect English -
les debile mental.
Perhaps it may help if you try the French groups - I do not mind - screen
resolutions are not my speciality.
I had hoped that another person may have helped, but your problem is with
your graphics card and not Windows XP in general.
Did you uninstall the old driver before installing the present one?
Did it come with Desktop Manager software?
C'est tout pour maintenant