
Thanks for the number. I call it and they wouldn't talk to me unless I
could supply them with kind of customer number??? They, however did
give me another number to call. 888-309-4212 when I called that number
they wanted a credit card number to charge the Tech Support time to at a
rate of $1.29 per min!!!! I don't understand why I should have to pay
for Tech Support time when I just bought the program??? Well I sent
them another e-mail only to be ignored again.

Thanks for reporting back on Nero's quality customer support.

I hope they realize that this sort of support will quickly lose them

Good luck getting Nero7 to work properly.



If you just bought it then you should have the number they're asking for.
It was on a card that came with the disk.


I had Nero 6 OEM which I got with my new DVD burner. I wanted to
upgrade to Nero 7 so I downloaded Nreo 7 Demo. I then bought the
serial number from Nero to unlock the Nero 7 Demo to allow me the full
use of it. OK I think that maybe I need to further explain my problem.
I can burn a slide show, however when I go to preview the slide show
with more than 44 slides I get this "NeroVision.exe error and the
program must close" then I have lost my slide show. This has been very
flustrating to me. It wouldn't be so bad if Nero would atleast repond
to my e-mails!!! This forum is the only place where I have gotten any


have you all updated to the latest version of nero 7 that was released just
before xmas??? if not then i suggest you do, the first version had a load of
bugs in it, but i have been using it for well over a month now and not had a
single problem with, and i reckon i have burnt well over 100 discs.



Yes I believe I the latest version's. I just checked all of my versio
numbers aginst the latest version's on Neros web site and they al

Mickey Mouse

It may be of interest since so many appear to have trouble with Nero 7.
I just downloaded the latest UPDATE for nero 7, it was 105meg! Maybe there
was/is something wrong with Nero 7 which may have been corrected in the
update. Pretty big file for an update, but there you are.



I believe Nero's updates are the complete program, unlike a "patch", it is
actually the whole program with the updates written as part of the package,
and not just an update to the package you already have installed. Note the
different version number each time you update.


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