Need Help With Maxtor 160 HD



Today i bought a Maxtor 160gig harddrive. I put it on my Controller card to view my drive and booted up my PC and installed the new drive, formatted and all. The Maxtor program says its ready to use, so i restart so i can store files on it. Well i get into my computer and its not there. So i went to Device Manager and it sees my drive, with no errors or anything, and says its working properly. I even went to the Maxtor website and see if they had an update or some type of driver to fix this problem. They had something but it still didnt work. Why my computer will not see my drive so i can use it? I mean i even went into run, and typed D:/ to try to bring it up? Can someone PLEASE help me with this?

Nathan McNulty

Right click on My Computer, click Manage, then click Disk Management.
You should see the drive listed here as well and you need to make sure
it is partitioned and formatted. Then you need to assign it a Drive
Letter. You should be able to do all of this through Disk Management ;)


-----Original Message-----
Today i bought a Maxtor 160gig harddrive. I put it on
my Controller card to view my drive and booted up my PC
and installed the new drive, formatted and all. The
Maxtor program says its ready to use, so i restart so i
can store files on it. Well i get into my computer and
its not there. So i went to Device Manager and it sees
my drive, with no errors or anything, and says its
working properly. I even went to the Maxtor website and
see if they had an update or some type of driver to fix
this problem. They had something but it still didnt
work. Why my computer will not see my drive so i can use
it? I mean i even went into run, and typed D:/ to try to
bring it up? Can someone PLEASE help me with this?
If you have XP right click my computer and click manage
then go to Disk Management,then at the bottom you should
see your drives right click the space right next to your
new drive, and choose delete partition,then right click
the space again,and choose new partition,go through the
wizard setting drive space and drive letter prefferebly
right in half in will put in into Gigs so you will have
to convert...example 20Gig would be 20,000MB,then you
should have another blank space beside the part of the
drive you just partitioned, right click it and do the
same filling in the rest of the Gigs it should do this on
its own, now just wait for them to format then restart
now you should be ready to save to them.


then go to Disk Management,then at the bottom you should
see your drives right click the space right next to your
new drive, and choose delete partition,then right click
the space again,and choose new partition,go through the
wizard setting drive space and drive letter prefferebly
right in half in will put in into Gigs so you will have
to convert...example 20Gig would be 20,000MB,then you
should have another blank space beside the part of the
drive you just partitioned, right click it and do the
same filling in the rest of the Gigs it should do this on
its own, now just wait for them to format then restart
now you should be ready to save to them.

okay...i did wat ya said...and i get an error that says "The disk configuration operation did not complete. Check the system event log for more information on the error. Verify the status of your storage devices before retrying. If that does not solve the problem, close the disk management console, then restart disk management or restart the computer." NOW WHAT DO I DO...ive been messing with this HD for about 3 hours now...

Darryl F.

What did the event log say?.. Also it is possible that the drive is bad
DJSpyDa04 said:
okay...i did wat ya said...and i get an error that says "The disk
configuration operation did not complete. Check the system event log for
more information on the error. Verify the status of your storage devices
before retrying. If that does not solve the problem, close the disk
management console, then restart disk management or restart the computer."
NOW WHAT DO I DO...ive been messing with this HD for about 3 hours now...

Shawn P Bolan

Can you put the drive in another machine and read it? If you get the same
error, etc the drive is probably bad. I have this exact same drive and
recently had the same problem. Called Maxtor and got on RMA replacement
with no hassle.

Check for support for phone numbers to call, etc.

Shawn P Bolan
MCT, MCSE (NT4, Win2k, Win2003), MCDST, Security+, A+, Network+
(e-mail address removed)
DJSpyDa04 said:
okay...i did wat ya said...and i get an error that says "The disk
configuration operation did not complete. Check the system event log for
more information on the error. Verify the status of your storage devices
before retrying. If that does not solve the problem, close the disk
management console, then restart disk management or restart the computer."
NOW WHAT DO I DO...ive been messing with this HD for about 3 hours now...

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