I would like to know if anyone could help me I am having some issues with slow internet DSL svc. I live in a rural area so I only have access to one internet provider. I am trying to work from home on the computer and can not because my internet download speed is 2.8 and the upload speed is 0.31. which is to slow to meet the work at home requirements. I have a netgear router 7550 DSL port have a telephone line wire connected and the other end goes into a wall Jack. We have tried changing the Speed manually on the computer but it seems to be staying the same. I don't think there is anything that my internet provider could do to speed it up. I believe we are getting the maximum speed that is available in our area. Someone had mentioned to me about a POTS Spliter, maybe using that to speed up the internet. and if anyone had info if the POTS Spliter would work besides anything else that might. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas that might help. Thank you.