Need help deleting temp file left by McAfee...



My new Gateway laptop came with McAfee Security Center installed and as soon
as I could get it connected to the internet, I downloaded other software,
and removed it.

Problem is, after removal... I started getting numerous, repeating popups
about McAfee programs or processes being blocked to the internet. I found
the Windows uninstall process *had left* 8-12 McAfee files. So when trying
to delete those remaining, 2 gave me an "access denied" message. I finally
got rid of the prefetch file, but still have this one below, I don't know
how to delete.

This is the location: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Local Settings\Temp
This is the file: 2006827111343 Security Center Update Info - mcinfo.exe

I went to the McAfee site and found a "bible" of things to do "IF", but I
don't know which to choose. Can anyone here tell me simply how to get this
out of my Registry, before I become homicidal. I have NEVER had a blasted
operating system popup on one of my pc's before, and this blasted thing goes
off every 10 or 15 mins.. And what is really infuriating, is that it has
that box to check to cancel the popup... but it doesn't work.

If no one here has the time to fool with this, please direct me to a forum
or newsgroup where I might get some simple instructions. TIA... :)


Simple. Bring up the Task Manager. Scroll down until you see the McAfee Process and End the process. Now delete the file(s) in question.


thecreator said:
Simple. Bring up the Task Manager. Scroll down until you see the McAfee Process and End the process. Now delete the file(s) in question.

Thanks so much! Not on the laptop now, but I'll try this, and post the
results tomorrow. Thanks again... :)


thecreator said:
Simple. Bring up the Task Manager. Scroll down until you see the McAfee Process and End the process. Now delete the file(s) in question.

Bless you!!! McAfee is now completely gone!

Now if I could only get rid of a BigFix application remnants and AOL as
easily. I have 44 files left related to an AOL uninstall. Says I can't
remove source disk or something like that. :\

Thanks again for helping me kill my mysterious McAfee popup!!! :)


thecreator said:
Hi bj,

Follow a similar procedure, plus go to here: Download a Trial Copy of TuneUp Utilities 2006, which is good for 30-days and try it out and see what happens.

Thanks, I've bookmarked this, and when I get comfortable with using that
touchpad on the laptop, I'll check it out. Right now I find myself opening
too many wrong files, etc.. I've got to work on a "lighter touch". ;)

Thanks again for the prompt, helpful responses.

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