N0 Windows XP CD


Limu Man

My in-laws bought a computer from one of those guys that builds them from
scratch. Now two years later I need to reformat thier hard drive but they do
not have the Windows XP installation cd. I don't think the guy that sold it
to them gave them one. He is not available to contact. What can I do other
than visit Best Buy and buy a copy?

Shenan Stanley

Limu said:
My in-laws bought a computer from one of those guys that builds
them from scratch. Now two years later I need to reformat thier
hard drive but they do not have the Windows XP installation cd. I
don't think the guy that sold it to them gave them one. He is not
available to contact. What can I do other than visit Best Buy and
buy a copy?

Use something like Belarc Advisor (if their com0puter is running) and get
the CD Key off it.
Find the exact type of CD used originally - burn a copy and use it with
their number to install.

Limu Man

where do I find the cd?

Shenan Stanley said:
Use something like Belarc Advisor (if their com0puter is running) and get
the CD Key off it.
Find the exact type of CD used originally - burn a copy and use it with
their number to install.


in message
My in-laws bought a computer from one of those guys that builds them
scratch. Now two years later I need to reformat thier hard drive but
they do
not have the Windows XP installation cd. I don't think the guy that
sold it
to them gave them one.

Or, like many consumers, toss the parts away figuring they won't need
them, or bury them somewhere within the mess in their home that they
can no longer find it, or they know they never had a legit copy and
now feign ignorance.

How do you know that the installation or recovery image wasn't in a
hidden partition? Or that it was in a hidden partition that your
in-laws chose to wipe out and use for another partition or merge into
an existing partition? Not all jobbers provide a CD. It might've
been on the hard disk.
He is not available to contact. What can I do other
than visit Best Buy and buy a copy?

Visit newegg.com and buy a retail OEM copy. Then make a backup copy
(it isn't copy protected) with the product key written on the backup
CD and store it somewhere that your in-laws can't lose it without
deliberately doing so.

Shenan Stanley

Limu said:
My in-laws bought a computer from one of those guys that builds
them from scratch. Now two years later I need to reformat thier
hard drive but they do not have the Windows XP installation cd. I
don't think the guy that sold it to them gave them one. He is not
available to contact. What can I do other than visit Best Buy and
buy a copy?

Shenan said:
Use something like Belarc Advisor (if their com0puter is running)
and get the CD Key off it.
Find the exact type of CD used originally - burn a copy and use it
with their number to install.

Limu said:
where do I find the cd?

Friends, neighbors, work, family...

What you have to understand about the Windows XP installation media is that
it contains (by default) nothing matching it up with the Product Key
originally used to install it.

What that does for the users is allow them to use the same type of CD from


You just have to know with which (from each of the above categories) matches
what is installed and *if* you can find a CD to match that - you can use it
with the product key you have gotten from the PC using something like Belarc

db ´¯`·.. >

well, without a copy of
your operating system, you
are at an extreme disadvantage.

who knows if the o.s. on your
system is genuine and not pirated.

perhaps, the technician
installed a backup on the
harddisk. perhaps, the tech
did provide disks originally.

in any case, if the technician
did or did not provide any cd's
then you should simply go to
the store and buy windows.

on the other hand, you are
stating that you need to format
and reinstall the o.s.

however you may not need to do
this and the o.s. can simply be
repaired instead of being reinstalled.


db ·´¯`·.¸. said:
<)))º>·´¯`·.¸. , . .·´¯`·.. ><)))º>`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.·´¯`·...¸><)))º>



Locate the winxp product key on this installation, another post told you how
Then use the same version winxp cd to reinstall, using that product key

If you dont have access to a valied cd then you will have to but one


=?Utf-8?B?TGltdSBNYW4=?= said:
My in-laws bought a computer from one of those guys that builds them from
scratch. Now two years later I need to reformat thier hard drive but they do
not have the Windows XP installation cd. I don't think the guy that sold it
to them gave them one. He is not available to contact. What can I do other
than visit Best Buy and buy a copy?

One always need the CD for the OS you want to use. Get one.


What You Should Know:
Selling any PC without their accompanied O.S. CD is not legal.

NOTE REGARDING RECOVERY MEDIA (taken from some TigerDirect.com PC's ad's):
Most computer systems no longer include "Recovery Media" (Disks or CDs used to restore your computer system to it's factory shipped state). This is not specific to systems purchased from our company, but standard practice throughout the entire industry. Some manufacturers or models include a utility that enables users to create recovery media. Inclusion of such a recovery utility varies by manufacturer and model; not all manufactures and models include such a utility. For those that include such a utility we recommend you create your own set of recovery media after completing the Windows installation. If you fail to do this and encounter a difficulty in the future you may not be able to properly restore your computer. Some manufacturers may have physical recovery media available separately for purchase; consult your owner’s manual support information section for additional information.

http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/MIGR-4Q2QAK.html (one company as example)

If you need to buy Rescue & Recovery (R&R) CD:

Without this R&R to produce a compressed EXE or ZIP file you can NOT just burn a working O.S. CD. You can copy from one CD BUT not from a PC.

Nobody can tell from one if legit or not just by looking our text messages. My information with their links for anybody to double check and anybody can uses Google to check if their own suggestion are valid or not. You should Google Belarc Advisor and test it -- it's FREE. If you're serious try the 2nd or the 3rd links here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=O.S.+CD+key+viewer which are more simple and direct.

Lastly; if you need to buy find here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cheap+Win-xp+Pro&btnG=Search choose the 2nd one.

Hope these helps.

BTW. why cannot you use your own CD (silently) and forget all these troubles. Why reFormat it? Is too many virus? or what? If PC only slow & weak and you see NO black screen and with lots of viruses BUT you only needs is to clean it up. If hard drive (HD) space is getting smaller and you can add either internal or external NEW HD. Even RAM memory can be upgrade. You need to tell us more info so we don't have to guess what to do.

Shenan Stanley

Limu said:
My in-laws bought a computer from one of those guys that builds
them from scratch. Now two years later I need to reformat thier
hard drive but they do not have the Windows XP installation cd. I
don't think the guy that sold it to them gave them one. He is not
available to contact. What can I do other than visit Best Buy and
buy a copy?

What You Should Know:
Selling any PC without their accompanied O.S. CD
is not legal.


What you should know is that the blanket statement you have given is in
fact - false.

A computer does not even have to have an OS installed. If it is a _NEW_ PC
and the user buys it from a retailer and it has Windows installed - yes,
they must give you a method to 'restore' the machine to the state which you
originally purchased it (at least in some places - that may not be true in
all places.)

Colin Barnhorst

The requirement is that a system builder sell the computer with the means to restore it to factory condition but that does not mean it has to be an OS cd. It can be, but it can also be a restore cd or a restore partition.
What You Should Know:
Selling any PC without their accompanied O.S. CD is not legal.

NOTE REGARDING RECOVERY MEDIA (taken from some TigerDirect.com PC's ad's):
Most computer systems no longer include "Recovery Media" (Disks or CDs used to restore your computer system to it's factory shipped state). This is not specific to systems purchased from our company, but standard practice throughout the entire industry. Some manufacturers or models include a utility that enables users to create recovery media. Inclusion of such a recovery utility varies by manufacturer and model; not all manufactures and models include such a utility. For those that include such a utility we recommend you create your own set of recovery media after completing the Windows installation. If you fail to do this and encounter a difficulty in the future you may not be able to properly restore your computer. Some manufacturers may have physical recovery media available separately for purchase; consult your owner’s manual support information section for additional information.

http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/MIGR-4Q2QAK.html (one company as example)

If you need to buy Rescue & Recovery (R&R) CD:

Without this R&R to produce a compressed EXE or ZIP file you can NOT just burn a working O.S. CD. You can copy from one CD BUT not from a PC.

Nobody can tell from one if legit or not just by looking our text messages. My information with their links for anybody to double check and anybody can uses Google to check if their own suggestion are valid or not. You should Google Belarc Advisor and test it -- it's FREE. If you're serious try the 2nd or the 3rd links here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=O.S.+CD+key+viewer which are more simple and direct.

Lastly; if you need to buy find here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=cheap+Win-xp+Pro&btnG=Search choose the 2nd one.

Hope these helps.

BTW. why cannot you use your own CD (silently) and forget all these troubles. Why reFormat it? Is too many virus? or what? If PC only slow & weak and you see NO black screen and with lots of viruses BUT you only needs is to clean it up. If hard drive (HD) space is getting smaller and you can add either internal or external NEW HD. Even RAM memory can be upgrade. You need to tell us more info so we don't have to guess what to do.

Bruce Chambers

What You Should Know:
Selling any PC without their accompanied O.S. CD is not legal.

Sadly, that's completely untrue.

Legally, the OEM has met it's contractual obligation to Microsoft by
providing a means of returning the PC to its ex-factory state, whether
it's a Recovery CD or a Recovery Partition. They are not legally
obliged to provide a true installation CD as part of the sale.
Reputable, customer-service aware OEMs, like Dell and Gateway, do
provide a full OEM installation CD, that does permit custom
installations and repairs. However, many uncaring OEMs, such as
eMachines, Compaq, HP, and Sony, in an effort to save pennies and reduce
their support costs by having to hire support people that need only say
"Boot from the Recovery CD to return your PC to its original condition,"
provide only a CD bearing a disk image of the hard drive as it left the

Essentially, it boils down to "You get what you pay for."


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. ~Benjamin Franklin

Many people would rather die than think; in fact, most do. ~Bertrand Russell

The philosopher has never killed any priests, whereas the priest has
killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot

Shenan Stanley

What You Should Know: Selling any PC without their accompanied
O.S. CD is not legal.
<snipped by Bruce>

Bruce said:
Sadly, that's completely untrue.

Legally, the OEM has met it's contractual obligation to Microsoft
by providing a means of returning the PC to its ex-factory state,
whether it's a Recovery CD or a Recovery Partition. They are not
legally obliged to provide a true installation CD as part of the
sale. Reputable, customer-service aware OEMs, like Dell and
Gateway, do provide a full OEM installation CD, that does permit
custom installations and repairs. However, many uncaring OEMs,
such as eMachines, Compaq, HP, and Sony, in an effort to save
pennies and reduce their support costs by having to hire support
people that need only say "Boot from the Recovery CD to return
your PC to its original condition," provide only a CD bearing a
disk image of the hard drive as it left the factory.
Essentially, it boils down to "You get what you pay for."


I don't know what your links are supposed to point out...

Your blanket statement is still false. If you want to change it so it is
not so 'all encompassing', you might be able to make it true.

You stated:
"Selling any PC without their accompanied O.S. CD is not legal."

- you don't have to sell a computer *with* an OS.
- it doesn't have to be a Windows based OS if any is included.
- not all countries have ther same laws.
- An individual (non-business) selling a used computer is not bound by the
same 'rules' as a business selling new.


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