Mystery Sluggishness



My computer's been running slower than I ever imagined it
could. I'm running XP. I've run out of things to check.
Here's what I've done/noticed...

1. Boot up speed is not too bad still.
2. Opening any program takes forever, even Windows
Explorer. Word, Internet Explorer, AOL all load
incredibly slow. When I minimize all programs, it even
takes a while before the icons on the desktop refresh.
3. I've scanned for viruses twice. There are none,
4. I ran XP's diagnostics on hardware, and everything
checks out OK, although I don't know what "OK" is
described as.
5. Internet download speed is a little slower, but not
nearly as bad as what's in #2 above.
6. I installed no new programs right before the
sluggishness started.
7. I cleared the temporary internet files folder.
8. All my drivers have a signature on them.

Any advice on what I can check next?
Any suggestion on a diagnostic tool (software) I can
download to help me figure out what's going on?




How much memory do you have? If only 128MB, you might
want to add memory, >-----Original Message-----


I had the exact same problems as you described and I ran
the exact same diagnostic tests as you mentioned--w/out
success. The only difference I noticed about my situation
is that I kept getting the error message: "End Program-
Notification Wnd for RNA dmin". kept coming up after I
clicked to shut down my computer.
I looked into it and a search result found some probable
issue with RealOne Player. I uninstalled that program and
my computer was instantly fixed to its original
unhindered speeds. Unfortunately, I really have no idea
what the problem was, but as of now, uninstalling RealOne
Player has reversed ALL of my problems. I hope you have
already solved your problems, but if you haven't hope
this helps.
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Just wanted to say thanks! I had the exact same problem and I uninstalled Real One Player and it is fixed....
Thanks for your help.

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