My IE6 is still haunted



I have done an IE6 repair

I have read the KB article on this which perfectly describes the problem,
and I have reinstalled the dll's mentioned

Is there any way to get back a virgin copy of IE6 other than a new Win98

I just know doing a cab win98 re-install will only restore an IE6 that
"remembers" the registry settings that causes this problem

Here is more from my earlier post:

When I let a site call up another screen or page by clicking what appears is
a page that looks like a clear, see thru window

I can "X" out, so NO freezes or hang-ups--NO problems other than I get this

This kb article describes the prob--or, what I see, but the solution does
NOT work for me;EN-US;Q281679

Thank you...


You again? <S>
Are you on broadband or dialup? Do you have IE on a CD? Can someone with a
broadband connection burn IE to a CD for you? Do have another browser
installed (just in case.)

You can get IE6, the full package from: - Browser Archive

You can remove your current installation of IE with IEradicator from

When I was dealing with the same problem some months ago, another poster
took the IEradicator route. It worked for him. I just reinstalled IE5.5,
then went to IE6.



Yea, alas, unfortunately, blahblah, it is moi again, and moi wishes it
I have Netscape
I remember once getting mad at M$, or something stupid like that, and tried
to get rid of IE and regretted my folly (Commodore Bill, I, I apologize)
Anyway: I will center way, way down...pray...and then run IEraticator
If you hear a scream that will be me regretting my folly, but maybe you will
hear a scream of joy
Thank you for your patience and stay tuned...

DVarnau said:
You again? <S>
Are you on broadband or dialup? Do you have IE on a CD? Can someone with a
broadband connection burn IE to a CD for you? Do have another browser
installed (just in case.)

You can get IE6, the full package from: - Browser Archive

You can remove your current installation of IE with IEradicator from

When I was dealing with the same problem some months ago, another poster
took the IEradicator route. It worked for him. I just reinstalled IE5.5,
then went to IE6.

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- - - - - - - -

-z said:
I have done an IE6 repair

I have read the KB article on this which perfectly describes the problem,
and I have reinstalled the dll's mentioned

Is there any way to get back a virgin copy of IE6 other than a new Win98

I just know doing a cab win98 re-install will only restore an IE6 that
"remembers" the registry settings that causes this problem

Here is more from my earlier post:

When I let a site call up another screen or page by clicking what
a page that looks like a clear, see thru window

I can "X" out, so NO freezes or hang-ups--NO problems other than I get this

This kb article describes the prob--or, what I see, but the solution does
NOT work for me;EN-US;Q281679

Thank you...


Well, an update:

First, loved your IE uninstall program (I used the FREE lite "A" version)--I
had NO problems with uninstalling IE and reinstalling IE6 WITH the SP-1--My
IE is now fast, snappy, and quite frisky--to be dear ol' IE (thank you,
Commodore Bill, and your lawyers were right, to wit, a normal human can
actually separate your IE from the OS)

BUT, my problem remains...

I have Scandisked things--NO problems found
Norton SystemWorks found NADA
I redid re-installing all those DLL's the KB article discussed (though I
have NOT gone down into the System Registry as the article also mentioned)
I have both Shut Down as well as Restarted my machine to be sure all the
changes were recognized by Win98

Have you heard of a virus doing this? I have NOT been to any porn or
terrorist sites or the like of late, NOR do I open Email with attachments

As Descartes once did, let me re-state my problem, for perhaps I have missed
discussing something:

Say I am at EBay and see an item I want to know more about...
I click it, and it "hypers out" to bring up more info

A new IE screen comes up over the first screen...

This new screen however is more like a clear window

This new screen so superimposes itself over the Mother Screen you wouldn't
know you have a Daughter Screen running, unless you look down in your tray

I can "X" out with NO problems

No error messages

Again, thank you for the IElimator

Peace +


Three thoughts:
1. You may have one of those situations where IE6 isn't going to work with
Win98. It's not unheard of.
This article is over a year old, but see:
2. Try running Repair on IE6
3. Have you checked for adware, spyware, parasites?
Additional information at:
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:



Sorry, I should have added the following:
I run Ad-Aware & weekly Spy Bot, which I update weekly
Have done "repair IE"
I have NOT gone to any freaky or risky sites
Why would Win98 suddenly reject IE, but I will check out your article

Whatever the problem, wouldn't you say, has to be lurking in the Registry,
because I am running a virgin, very fresh copy of IE6

If I have done all this, and the problem remains, it has to be in Windows,
outside of IE, for example, thinking as I write, Draw a circle to represent
Win98...Place a circle within this circle for IE...Therefore, if IE is clean
and the problem remains, the problem lurks in the Window circle, BUT Windows
does NOT view whatever it is as a problem from a Bit and Byte angle, i.e.,
to Windows, this is what I want, and I, from an OS view, don't have any
problems with it--Therefore, Scandisk, et cetera, also see NO problem: if
the User wants a "ghost," fine by me (Win98)...

Oh, another point I just thought of as I write: OE has this problem...If I
click on your link suggestions, I get the "ghost," so, my Circle analogy
above would seem to point to Windows, doesn't it? I suspect if I had a link
in Word (or any other Office product or Windows product) and tried to go out
to the site, my ghost would appear...

Window's common link from Prog-to-Outside-world would be a Dll, wouldn't it?
Reckon I have a sour Dll (a bad one surely would create an error msg)? Any
suggestion which one to go in for a closer look?

Thank you...

DVarnau said:
Three thoughts:
1. You may have one of those situations where IE6 isn't going to work with
Win98. It's not unheard of.
This article is over a year old, but see:
2. Try running Repair on IE6
3. Have you checked for adware, spyware, parasites?
Additional information at:
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- - - - - - - - - - - -

-z said:
Well, an update:

First, loved your IE uninstall program (I used the FREE lite "A" version)--I
had NO problems with uninstalling IE and reinstalling IE6 WITH the SP-1--My
IE is now fast, snappy, and quite frisky--to be dear ol' IE (thank you,
Commodore Bill, and your lawyers were right, to wit, a normal human can
actually separate your IE from the OS)

BUT, my problem remains...

I have Scandisked things--NO problems found
Norton SystemWorks found NADA
I redid re-installing all those DLL's the KB article discussed (though I
have NOT gone down into the System Registry as the article also mentioned)
I have both Shut Down as well as Restarted my machine to be sure all the
changes were recognized by Win98

Have you heard of a virus doing this? I have NOT been to any porn or
terrorist sites or the like of late, NOR do I open Email with attachments

As Descartes once did, let me re-state my problem, for perhaps I have missed
discussing something:

Say I am at EBay and see an item I want to know more about...
I click it, and it "hypers out" to bring up more info

A new IE screen comes up over the first screen...

This new screen however is more like a clear window

This new screen so superimposes itself over the Mother Screen you wouldn't
know you have a Daughter Screen running, unless you look down in your tray

I can "X" out with NO problems

No error messages

Again, thank you for the IElimator

Peace +


I have tried a couple or so more things to locate the problem, which leads
me to believe I have a bad Dll, but NOT one that would cause an error

I canNOT hyper out from OE either (I still get my ghost), but I can from a
hyperlink in Word

Using my circles, watch this explanation:

Inside a big circle for Win98, I add a circle for IE and one for OE
When OE hypers out, it goes via a dll to IE
IE, Step One, then hypers through a dll to Win98
When I get a good frame, albeit it empty, IE is working fine, actually, at
this point
My IE then passes the cmd on up to the OS
The problem becomes when my OS tries to link to the outside world via a dll
It is analogous to an unprogrammed cmdButton in VB/VBA: the button shows
clicking, but does NOTHING -- In my case, this miscreant dll receives the
cmd and does NOTHING--but NOT because an error is created--It simply
"absorbs" the call and I get my "ghost" or clear window
In other words, it would seem in a circle view of this world the outside
world is a circle outside of the OS circle==>Win98 connects to it via a dll,
which is sour

What would this dll be that is Window-To-OutsideInternetWorld, NOT IE based?
IE is simply waiting for something to come in, i.e., the site


-z said:
Sorry, I should have added the following:
I run Ad-Aware & weekly Spy Bot, which I update weekly
Have done "repair IE"
I have NOT gone to any freaky or risky sites
Why would Win98 suddenly reject IE, but I will check out your article

Whatever the problem, wouldn't you say, has to be lurking in the Registry,
because I am running a virgin, very fresh copy of IE6

If I have done all this, and the problem remains, it has to be in Windows,
outside of IE, for example, thinking as I write, Draw a circle to represent
Win98...Place a circle within this circle for IE...Therefore, if IE is clean
and the problem remains, the problem lurks in the Window circle, BUT Windows
does NOT view whatever it is as a problem from a Bit and Byte angle, i.e.,
to Windows, this is what I want, and I, from an OS view, don't have any
problems with it--Therefore, Scandisk, et cetera, also see NO problem: if
the User wants a "ghost," fine by me (Win98)...

Oh, another point I just thought of as I write: OE has this problem...If I
click on your link suggestions, I get the "ghost," so, my Circle analogy
above would seem to point to Windows, doesn't it? I suspect if I had a link
in Word (or any other Office product or Windows product) and tried to go out
to the site, my ghost would appear...

Window's common link from Prog-to-Outside-world would be a Dll, wouldn't it?
Reckon I have a sour Dll (a bad one surely would create an error msg)? Any
suggestion which one to go in for a closer look?

Thank you...

DVarnau said:
Three thoughts:
1. You may have one of those situations where IE6 isn't going to work with
Win98. It's not unheard of.
This article is over a year old, but see:
2. Try running Repair on IE6
3. Have you checked for adware, spyware, parasites?
Additional information at:
Dealing with Unwanted Spyware and Parasites:

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- - - - - - - - - - - -

-z said:
Well, an update:

First, loved your IE uninstall program (I used the FREE lite "A" version)--I
had NO problems with uninstalling IE and reinstalling IE6 WITH the SP-1--My
IE is now fast, snappy, and quite frisky--to be dear ol' IE (thank you,
Commodore Bill, and your lawyers were right, to wit, a normal human can
actually separate your IE from the OS)

BUT, my problem remains...

I have Scandisked things--NO problems found
Norton SystemWorks found NADA
I redid re-installing all those DLL's the KB article discussed (though I
have NOT gone down into the System Registry as the article also mentioned)
I have both Shut Down as well as Restarted my machine to be sure all the
changes were recognized by Win98

Have you heard of a virus doing this? I have NOT been to any porn or
terrorist sites or the like of late, NOR do I open Email with attachments

As Descartes once did, let me re-state my problem, for perhaps I have missed
discussing something:

Say I am at EBay and see an item I want to know more about...
I click it, and it "hypers out" to bring up more info

A new IE screen comes up over the first screen...

This new screen however is more like a clear window

This new screen so superimposes itself over the Mother Screen you wouldn't
know you have a Daughter Screen running, unless you look down in your tray

I can "X" out with NO problems

No error messages

Again, thank you for the IElimator

Peace +


Did this start with an update to IE or the installation of another program
such as a firewall, different av, security?

Back to:
How about: Try disabling *all* other programs, including virus scanners, to
see if there is an improvement.
It has been noted that replacing OLEAUT32.dll will work when all else has
failed. Do that using System File Checker, or if you have Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 or an Office 2000 Component Is Installed on Your
If Office 2000 or or an Office 2000 component is installed on your computer,
obtain and install the Office 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1). For information
about how to do so, please visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Microsoft Office 2000 or an Office 2000 Component Is Not Installed on Your
If Office 2000 or or an Office 2000 component is not installed on your
computer, obtain and install the Mcrepair.exe tool. To do so, please visit
the following Microsoft Web site, save the Mcrepair.exe file to the desktop,
and then run Mcrepair.exe:

Have you tried to replace your current OLEAUT32.DLL with the original from
the Win98 CD?



No, sir, but I do have a bad habit of downloading little free programs from
ZDNet or PC World, which work fine--however, reflecting on this today, one
of these programs could have corrupted something NOT because of the program,
but more just me trying out a program and discarding it or the Time of Free
Use ran out and I deleted it

A dll, you don't think, that would call up a new IE window from within the
main IE program, could be corrupted? If so, any suggestion of the dll I
need to delete and reinstall completely? Remember, the main IE screen comes
up fine.

Thank you

DVarnau said:
Did this start with an update to IE or the installation of another program
such as a firewall, different av, security?

Back to:
How about: Try disabling *all* other programs, including virus scanners, to
see if there is an improvement.
It has been noted that replacing OLEAUT32.dll will work when all else has
failed. Do that using System File Checker, or if you have Office 2000

Microsoft Office 2000 or an Office 2000 Component Is Installed on Your
If Office 2000 or or an Office 2000 component is installed on your computer,
obtain and install the Office 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1). For information
about how to do so, please visit the following Microsoft Web site:

Microsoft Office 2000 or an Office 2000 Component Is Not Installed on Your
If Office 2000 or or an Office 2000 component is not installed on your
computer, obtain and install the Mcrepair.exe tool. To do so, please visit
the following Microsoft Web site, save the Mcrepair.exe file to the desktop,
and then run Mcrepair.exe:

Have you tried to replace your current OLEAUT32.DLL with the original from
the Win98 CD?

Newsgroup replies preferred, but e-mail address is...
- - - - - -

-z said:
I have tried a couple or so more things to locate the problem, which leads
me to believe I have a bad Dll, but NOT one that would cause an error

I canNOT hyper out from OE either (I still get my ghost), but I can from a
hyperlink in Word

Using my circles, watch this explanation:

Inside a big circle for Win98, I add a circle for IE and one for OE
When OE hypers out, it goes via a dll to IE
IE, Step One, then hypers through a dll to Win98
When I get a good frame, albeit it empty, IE is working fine, actually, at
this point
My IE then passes the cmd on up to the OS
The problem becomes when my OS tries to link to the outside world via a dll
It is analogous to an unprogrammed cmdButton in VB/VBA: the button shows
clicking, but does NOTHING -- In my case, this miscreant dll receives the
cmd and does NOTHING--but NOT because an error is created--It simply
"absorbs" the call and I get my "ghost" or clear window
In other words, it would seem in a circle view of this world the outside
world is a circle outside of the OS circle==>Win98 connects to it via a dll,
which is sour

What would this dll be that is Window-To-OutsideInternetWorld, NOT IE based?
IE is simply waiting for something to come in, i.e., the site



Well, still NO brass ring
System Check found nothing
No use beating this dead horse, so let's close this thread
I will just use Netscape
If you think of something, please remember my email adr and let me try it --
My adr is zyzzyva57 at ziplipdotcom
I sure appreciate your patience and IEliminator -- It is nice having a
snappy, virgin copy of IE, just sad I cannot really use it unless I copy an
adr into the Address space in IE
Anyway, thank you and much Soul Peace...

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