my favorites

  • Thread starter -00Eric Clapton
  • Start date

-00Eric Clapton

How can I change my favorites to point to another location? Thanks.

say now it is c:\bookmark.html
I want it to be c:\doc\bookmark.html

Ada Pan [MSFT]

Hello Eric,

According to your description, I understand you want to change the path of
Favorites in Internet Explorer.

Based on my experience, I would suggest you perform the following steps to
change the path in the registry:

1. Click Start - Run, type REGEDIT and then press Enter.

2. Locate and select the following registry subkey,
Shell Folders

3. Double click Favorites (on the right), and then type the desired
location in Value data textbox.

4. Then immediately change the Favorites' Value data in the following
subkey to match it:

5. Close registry editor and log off/log back on.

This should place the favorites that are available in IE and added from now
on to the Alternate location. The key values remain the same since the
Favorites key value in BOTH the Shell Folders and the User Shell folders
were changed at the same time. These two keys need to be consistent or the
value reverts back to the default.

If there is anything unclear or you need further assistance on this issue,
please feel free to let me know.


Ada Pan

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PA Bear

To whom and what are you replying? Please include all of previous
message(s) in your replies to the newsgroup.

Ada Pan [MSFT]

Hello PA Bear,

My previous post is replied to Eric Clapton, Subject: my favorites.


Ada Pan

Microsoft Online Partner Support
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From: " -00Eric Clapton"
Subject: my favorites

How can I change my favorites to point to another location? Thanks.

say now it is c:\bookmark.html
I want it to be c:\doc\bookmark.html

Gary Smith

IE favorites are individual files kept in a folder. If you're running
Windows 2000 or XP, you can open Windows Explorer, navigate to the
Favorits folder, and drag it where you want it to be. Since it's a system
folder, Windows will track its location.

PA Bear

And if you'd include previous replies in all of your replies to the
newsgroups as requested, we'd know that.

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