Movie Download Services in Windows Vista




I have tried to use two movie services under Windows Vista without success.
Both worked successfully under Windows XP on the same equipment (except for
upgraded graphics card and extra 1 GB of memory).

Amazon Unbox has a software installation issue which pops up as an MSI
"error 1603". I've spoken to their tech people and they had no suggestions
or patches at this time.

My experience with the other service, Movielink, is more bizarre.

The software installs fine. You can visit the web site, arrange a download
and then before the you can even click the "start download" radio button, the
system reboots (first time I've seen this in Vista)! I saw a blue screen
very briefly once, but could not read the information. Their tech support
requested the log from their service, but I have not heard back from them

I thought this might be a driver issue and tried uninstalling a few drivers
(video, sound card, antivirus) but the reboot still occurs when attempting a
sample download.

Has anyone had similar experiences with these services or can you suggest
one that will work within Windows Vista (Home Premium)?


Dr Bug


Hello again.

In seaching for a solution with a Visual Basic error when trying to install
itunes software, I came up a solution requiring that visual basic scripting
in Vista has to be "registered". The description of the procedure was from
another posting:

This is from another post dated 3/12/07.

Be sure to right click and select "run as administrator" before trying to
open a command line box or you will receive an error. If the process works,
you will get a message indicating success:

I downloaded the latest iTunes version and got the same error message.
After a lot of trial and error and research on the Internet I found a
solution that worked for me. I hope it also helps other users trying to
install iTunes on Vista.

1. Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Right Click on Command
Prompt -> Run As Administrator.

2. If you don’t end up in the C:\windows\system32 folder, go there

3. Once there type in regsvr32 vbscript.dll and press enter

4. You should get a conformation message

5. Install iTunes

Hope this helps:confused:


This resolved two installations issues for me: one for itunes and the other
for Amazon Unbox which actually had a different message: error 1603.

I'm still working on the Movielink reboot problem...

Yours truly,

dr bug

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