Mouse heating up


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
I use a Logitech G600 USB gaming mouse, which has 20 programmable buttons, and has fully programmable RGB illumination - (which I've set to a steady white, using the Logitech Gaming Software controls.) The mouse is still relatively new; though it was actually purchased last year, it has only been in use for a few months.)

The mouse tends to warm-up, which I associated with the lighting effect, until it dawned on me that the lights are probably LEDs, which tend to be cool in operation (thinking of our Christmas tree lights.) The warming is also a bit intermittent. For example, I might return to the desk after being afk for an hour or two, to find a "pleasantly warm" mouse - not uncomfortably so - but nevertheless very noticeable.

It doesn't appear to make much difference whether the mouse is in use, or not and, if I'm honest, I find it quite pleasant (because I'm one of those peeps who sometimes find it hard to get their hands to warm-up! ;)

I've tried Google, hoping to see if others are experiencing anything similar with their mice, but the only heating issue I found, concerned a rechargeable mouse with a battery problem. As mentioned, mine is corded. So do you think I should be concerned? Or just enjoy my hand-warmer?

Thanks for reading. :D
Bit like this is it?


Try another mouse if possible, if that doesn't get warm suspect a fault. The fact a search didn't turn up any similar incidences is a bit odd. USB powered devices draw very little current if that's any comfort to you.

Perhaps Logitech are cunningly trialling a prototype of 'mice with central heating for toasty warm mitts when on the computer'.

So your hands sometimes have difficulty warming up eh Taffy? I started suffering from that earlier this year, first instance I had was outside a pub in April and it was quite cold and both my hands went completely numb. They been the same ever since, prone to cold.

Considering my present stage through this life cycle I put it down to just another one of those age things and bought some gloves. However, as you're a female of the species I can't really say the same thing in your case can I? ;)
So your hands sometimes have difficulty warming up eh Taffy? I started suffering from that earlier this year, first instance I had was outside a pub in April and it was quite cold and both my hands went completely numb. They been the same ever since, prone to cold.

I saw a recent photo of you — quite the skinny lad nowadays, aren't you? That alone may well explain the cold fingers. Winter swimming might do wonders.


... and bought some gloves.

D'oh. :rolleyes:
Aye, I am skinny these days but I've never been a porker. 138lbs (just under ten stone) and 5' 11".

Two bouts with cancer leading to difficulty consuming food will do that, believe me I've tried really hard to put on weight. Not being able to snack on stuff like crisps and cashews is a bit upsetting but then I consider what the alternative might have been and I'm cheered ;)

Such is life, I take it as it comes....

As for swimming in cold waters I can rightfully claim to have been surfing (without a wetsuit) at Fistral Bay in Newquay, Cornwall during the month of February. However, that's not as brave as it sounds cos the Gulf stream flows past that part of the coast in February :D
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sorry TC you are under a misconception that LEDs do not produce heat, they do!

try turning off the LED part, not sure why they are illuminated anyway, int your thumb gonna cover that part of the mouse?

Thank you all for your replies... yeah even the funny ones! :lol:

Perhaps Logitech are cunningly trialling a prototype of 'mice with central heating for toasty warm mitts when on the computer'.
Now it's funny you should say that Flopps...

I'm sorry to hear about your cold mits - which can actually be very uncomfortable. My feet tend to get icy cold too, but fortunately, they, and my hands, usually warm-up... eventually. It has been ever thus, since childhood. :nod:

@Urmas thank you for the link. I had not seen that one, but it does seem to suggest that the lighting can cause a bit of heat. I have turned-down the intensity of the light, and already, I believe it has made a difference. The mouse feels almost cold again. (Not sure why I didn't try that before... but I guess I'm just a creature of habit, who tends to set-and-forget!) :D

Many thanks for the help guys. Much appreciated as always. :cheers:
try turning off the LED part, not sure why they are illuminated anyway, int your thumb gonna cover that part of the mouse?
Oh thanks also @muckshifter - we cross-posted there. :) Yes, as mentioned above, I have lowered the brightness and mouse is now cool.

Actually, the illumination is something that I genuinely find to be useful. My mouse tends to be in quite a lot of shadow, so the illumination helps me to find some of the lesser-used buttons more easily. (My thumb only covers the lower, far-right button, so I can see the rest very easily.) :)
Glad to hear that changing the brightness helped with the heat issue! Bit annoying that you can't use the lighting feature to its full potential though.

My feet tend to get icy cold too, but fortunately, they, and my hands, usually warm-up... eventually. It has been ever thus, since childhood. :nod:

I get this too! Maybe I should get the same mouse... :lol:
Perhaps Logitech are cunningly trialling a prototype of 'mice with central heating for toasty warm mitts when on the computer'.

They're already available...................


Grey, black or pink and, maybe, other colours if you look.

Bit annoying that you can't use the lighting feature to its full potential though.
Well I experimented a bit, turning-down the lighting effect, etc., and found that it remained cold at the low setting. However, it then felt a bit "dead" so I reverted to the brighter setting. Now that I know that it's just a side effect, so-to-speak, and not a fault, I'm a happy bunny. :D