Microsoft XP spying



My new machine has XP and I understand that Microsoft is
still getting away with taking stealing information from
my compouter and sending it there offices. Does
RealPlayer do the same thing. I jumped form 98 to XP and
my experience has been that one of the first things to do
is to uninstall or never install RealPlayer.

Is there a solution to disable this spyware or catch them
in the act.



Phil \(purplehaz\)

First of all....... there is NO spyware in windows, including windows xp.
This is a false tale perpetuated by the MS haters. Nothing EVER gets sent to
ms. Windows update doesn't even send info, it just logs ip addresses and
such, but EVERY website out there does this. So just take the thought of MS
gathering info and sending it out, because it is just not true.
Second....... real player has nothing to do with windows XP or Microsoft. I
do know that real player sends usuage stats and server stats to its parent
company in hopes to collect data to make the product better. I'd hardly call
it spyware, but I'd also remove it just the same. Unless you frequent a site
that uses real audio it isn't needed.
Last......... to take care of your spyware problem.......It sounds like your
computer is full of spyware, and this comes only from not practicing safe
and secure computing habits.
You've got spyware, adware, a trojan, a search engine hijacker, or a home
page hijacker.

Run these tools weekly
spybot --
ad-aware --
CW Shredder --

Mike Kolitz

Actually, Microsoft *doesn't* steal any information from your computer - why
do you think that they do?

The vast majority of the time when XP sends information to Microsoft, it
tells you about it (in the case of registration, activation, crash dumps,
etc). The help system and Media Player contact Microsoft-owned servers for
updated information every now and then, but they don't transfer any
personally identifiable information, and they certainly don't steal

I've read that Real Networks' Real Player has "gotten better" about sending
information to Real Networks, whether it's personally identifiable or not,
but I still won't install it on any of my computers. I just don't like or
need their software enough to use it. Your mileage may vary.

If you're concerned about the information that is sent out, you should look
at getting some firewall software that blocks incoming and outgoing traffic.
Media Player can be told not to look up CD/DVD information, and I *think*
that the help system can be told not to update itself as well.

As for spyware, you can download Ad-Aware from Lavasoft. It's free and
works wonderfully.

Mike Kolitz MCSE 2000
MS-MVP - Windows Setup and Deployment

Remember to check Windows Update often,
and apply the patches marked as Critical!

Protect your PC!


steve said:
My new machine has XP and I understand that Microsoft is
still getting away with taking stealing information from
my compouter and sending it there offices. Does
RealPlayer do the same thing. I jumped form 98 to XP and
my experience has been that one of the first things to do
is to uninstall or never install RealPlayer.

Is there a solution to disable this spyware or catch them
in the act.


Regarding RealPlayer, the best thing to do is install ZoneAlarm and deny
it access except when you want to view something. The problem with
uninstalling RealPlayer is that no other player handles Real media types.
ZoneAlarm is available free at:

Steve Nielsen

While you are correct that M$ does not spy it is true that Windows XP
does in fact contain spyware vulnerabilities which include Alexa What's
Related in IE6 and an ID exploit in Media Player. Spybot S&D and
Ad-aware both catch at least those two on every single fresh install of
XP I have ever seen.



Before the MVP (M$ Victim Poster) Hermes responded, AnnonUser typed:
Yes, this is most likely true.

Regarding RealPlayer, the best thing to do is install ZoneAlarm and
deny it access except when you want to view something. The problem
with uninstalling RealPlayer is that no other player handles Real
media types. ZoneAlarm is available free at:

Firewall software is not a bad idea if you want to take the extra time and
make the extra effort to mess with it, I just always uninstall Realplayer.
I don't think they are actually spyware, I just think the free version is
more like adware. It seems to collect info about your usage of the software
and sends it back to Realplayer so they can target market pop-up ads at you.

DRM sux! Treacherous Computing kills our virtual civil liberties!

Windows XP crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.

Phil \(purplehaz\)

True, people could use those components to get some info from you, but
windows has many vulnerabilities. I guess I missed the point you're trying
to make. Alexa and the WMP ID are not spyware, they are just possible ways
that someone using a malicious website could get some info about your
machine and possibly identify your machine. They don't send information,
they simple hold info that someone else could get at. Not really technically
spyware, but it is good to let spybot fix them.

Wislu Plethora

-----Original Message-----
My new machine has XP and I understand that Microsoft is
still getting away with taking stealing information from
my compouter and sending it there offices. Does
RealPlayer do the same thing. I jumped form 98 to XP and
my experience has been that one of the first things to do
is to uninstall or never install RealPlayer.

Is there a solution to disable this spyware or catch them
in the act.



If you've already booted your new computer, it's too late.
Microsoft has already planted its sensors all over your
house, and Bill Gates himself is listening to all of your
thoughts. A symptom of this intrusion is an inability to
distinguish between homophones such as "their" and "there,"
so it appears that you have been afflicted. The only
known solution is to dig a deep hole, bury your computer
and all peripherals in it, and never even *look* at a PC
again. Good luck.


steve said:
My new machine has XP and I understand that Microsoft is
still getting away with taking stealing information from
my compouter and sending it there offices. Does
RealPlayer do the same thing. I jumped form 98 to XP and
my experience has been that one of the first things to do
is to uninstall or never install RealPlayer.

Is there a solution to disable this spyware or catch them
in the act.

Don't use RealPlayer try:

To stop unwanted communications between your computer and MS:

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei!"

Steve Nielsen

People run Ad-aware and Spybot S&D on a new machine which find these
problems, if they don't understand the difference between
vulnerabilities and actual spyware on the system they mistakenly assume
that M$ is spying on them. I guess I should have said it that way.


David Candy

Alexa is just a link to their web site with your current page tacked on (so it can look for related pages). It like saying google is spyware because you typed a search from the address bar and it actually got google to search.

Alexa does provide intrusive features in their other products. But their is no alexa code in XP. XP actually goes through MSN Search to give it to alexa.

This is the total code

//Build the query

//Perform simple check for Intranet URLs
//this is where the http or https will be, as found by searching for :// but skip res:
serverIndex=userURL.indexOf("/",protocolIndex + 3);

//Check if Intranet URL - then open search bar

if (urlresult.indexOf(".",0) < 1) userURL="Intranet URL";
finalURL = RelatedServiceURL + encodeURIComponent(userURL);, "_search");


Steve Nielsen

Wislu said:
If you've already booted your new computer, it's too late.
Microsoft has already planted its sensors all over your
house, and Bill Gates himself is listening to all of your
thoughts. A symptom of this intrusion is an inability to
distinguish between homophones such as "their" and "there,"
so it appears that you have been afflicted. The only
known solution is to dig a deep hole, bury your computer
and all peripherals in it, and never even *look* at a PC
again. Good luck.

You can counter-act many of the effects of this affliction by drinking a
glass of water upside-down while watching "Being John Malkovich"
repeatedly. It also has the extra dual benefit of curing your hiccups
while at the same time giving you the realization that you're not the
only one with an enormous ego. After all, who the heck would REALLY want
to be John Malkovich? I mean really, the guy is creepy at best.



Before the MVP (M$ Victim Poster) Hermes responded, Phil (purplehaz)
First of all....... there is NO spyware in windows, including windows
xp. This is a false tale perpetuated by the MS haters. Nothing EVER
gets sent to ms. Windows update doesn't even send info, it just logs
ip addresses and such, but EVERY website out there does this. So just
take the thought of MS gathering info and sending it out, because it
is just not true. Second....... real player has nothing to do with
windows XP or Microsoft. I do know that real player sends usuage
stats and server stats to its parent company in hopes to collect data
to make the product better. I'd hardly call it spyware, but I'd also
remove it just the same. Unless you frequent a site that uses real
audio it isn't needed.
Last......... to take care of your spyware problem.......It sounds
like your computer is full of spyware, and this comes only from not
practicing safe and secure computing habits.
You've got spyware, adware, a trojan, a search engine hijacker, or a
home page hijacker.

Run these tools weekly
spybot --
ad-aware --
CW Shredder --

Phil, this is why I believe M$ has spyware planted in 2000 sp3 and XP, FYI.

DRM sux! Treacherous Computing kills our virtual civil liberties!

Windows XP crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.


Regarding RealPlayer, the best thing to do is install ZoneAlarm and deny
it access except when you want to view something. The problem with
uninstalling RealPlayer is that no other player handles Real media types.

try 'Real Alternative"

Phil \(purplehaz\)

hermes said:
Before the MVP (M$ Victim Poster) Hermes responded, Phil (purplehaz)

Phil, this is why I believe M$ has spyware planted in 2000 sp3 and

Ya and I have a real ufo from another planet in my garage. There is no
national security programs in windows, total false and made up by ms haters.
I love the line that says if your planning an attack that it sends a message
to ms. That's hilarious. First, why would ms want this info and what would
they do with it? Wouldn't it be better to send the info to the FBI or NSA or
Terrioist fighting groups? Second how does this program know what your
planning? Does it read minds too? Does it read your emails, and figure out
what your doing? If it can figure out what your planning by what you do on
your computer it has to be the most sophisticated software ever coded for
windows. Why did it not alert ms and the us to the 9/11 attacks? Surely bin
laden and saddam use windows(what else would they use). Why can't it figure
out when some teen kid writes a virus and launches it? Just use common
sense. It tells you this is totally bogus. And the last thing to tip you off
to this being bogus is where is the proof? A paragraph that states something
like this and shows no proof to back it up, is usually just someone looking
for visitors to their website.


Before the MVP (M$ Victim Poster) Hermes responded, Phil (purplehaz)
Ya and I have a real ufo from another planet in my garage.

That's nice.

There is no
national security programs in windows,

I agree. The site I linked to does not say there are any NS programs in

total false and made up by ms
haters. I love the line that says if your planning an attack that it
sends a message to ms. That's hilarious.

Yes, I agree it seems a bit excentric, but that doesn't mean it is
impossible. For example, Virus programs can detect new viruses and now even
pay extra attention the scripting languages and tools most often used to
write viruses such as vbscript. So it does not seem impossible.

First, why would ms want
this info and what would they do with it? Wouldn't it be better to
send the info to the FBI or NSA or Terrioist fighting groups?

I could think of several reasons they may want this info and I'm sure they
would want to forward it on to the FBI or proper authorities. Remember the
kid that made the blaster worm (I think it was the blaster worm). I bet
they would love to head things like that off.

how does this program know what your planning?

I don't know, but I know I don't trust M$!

Does it read minds
too? Does it read your emails, and figure out what your doing? If it
can figure out what your planning by what you do on your computer it
has to be the most sophisticated software ever coded for windows. Why
did it not alert ms and the us to the 9/11 attacks? Surely bin laden
and saddam use windows(what else would they use). Why can't it figure
out when some teen kid writes a virus and launches it? Just use
common sense. It tells you this is totally bogus. And the last thing
to tip you off to this being bogus is where is the proof? A paragraph
that states something like this and shows no proof to back it up, is
usually just someone looking for visitors to their website.

Did you follow any of the links provided on the website?

DRM sux! Treacherous Computing kills our virtual civil liberties!

Windows XP crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams.

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that.


Regarding RealPlayer, the best thing to do is install ZoneAlarm and deny
it access except when you want to view something. The problem with
uninstalling RealPlayer is that no other player handles Real media types.
ZoneAlarm is available free at:

To AnnonUser:

Your statement above is wrong. "JetAudio" handles all RA and RAM
media content just fine. In addition it also does everything that WMP
does. Go here to download: Freeware. 17mb

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Actually, you've got it exactly backwards: Microsoft does _NO_
spying, while RealPlayer does very little else.

Bruce Chambers

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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. -- RAH

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