Microsoft / Java Virtual Machine HELP!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jody
  • Start date Start date



I really would appreciate some help with a JVM / MVM
issues I am having. I was experiencing some serious
performance issues that I thought perhaps was related to
the Sun Java tools and so I removed the latest SDK & JRE.
After removing them I was no longer able to view java in
my browser so I reinstalled IE6 SP1 and Windows SP-3 to no

I have verified or performed done the following:

1. Verified security settings in browser.
2. Downloaded, installed and re-installed Sun JRE with JVM
3. Found site and then deleted all Sun stuff
again and installed the MVM 3810 for Windows 2000 on your
website again to no avail.

I would appreciate any advice you might offer. As you
probably are aware Microsoft's KB is useless and Sun takes
forever to respond to tech support questions.

Thank You
(e-mail address removed)
Dear Jim,

Thanks for your help. Althought I had already perfomed
the suggested procedure from several times
eariler, I was finally sucessfull. How knows what was
going on some weird setting sor something. Anyway Thank
you for the test sites were helpful as well.