Major!!! Blue Screen Problem

  • Thread starter Savvas Efthymiou
  • Start date

Savvas Efthymiou


Windows XP Proffessional came up with a BLUE screen and a
message about "IRQ someting?" after the dump and while
rebooting there was a power failure, I then tried to start
in Safe mode but to no avail, another Blue screen and
during the Dump another power failure, then the message
load needed DLL'd for kernel appeared, I also tried to
start with Last good known menu but same message. When I
tried to boot from the CD to go to recovery process I was
totally stunned as I recieved the message, " File \i386
\KDCOMM.DLL could not be loaded. The error code is 4
Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"

I have a Pentium Celleron 2.2 GHZ with 512MB memory and 2
HDD one 80GB IDE and one 10GB SCSI, Windows XP Pro was
loaded on the 80GB IDE drive.

I disabled the IDE drive so that I can re-install on the
SCSI drive but the same error occurs, I have tried
everything but nothing works, I also tried using the CD in
another PC to see maybe if the CD is damaged but on the
other PC the installation works no problem, Can someone
please help me, I do not have a problem if I have to loose
the data on my drive but I would not like to, If there is
no other way it must be done(I DO have backups) its just
that it took me 3 days to install everything that I needed
and wanted.

Please Help

Dave - Freedonia

Seeing that you stated you had two power failures, I would think that
something in your computer may have gotten a surge and fried.

Since you have backups why not reinstall the OS or are the backups of
just your data. Since it took 3 days to get everything installed, I
would have presumed you would have backed up the entire system for just
such an occasion.

Have you tried to run the setup program from CD and try to do a repair
install of XP? I know you get the \i386\KDCOMM.DLL error but I am
wondering if that is only needed for the repair console.

Ron Martell

Savvas Efthymiou said:

Windows XP Proffessional came up with a BLUE screen and a
message about "IRQ someting?" after the dump and while
rebooting there was a power failure, I then tried to start
in Safe mode but to no avail, another Blue screen and
during the Dump another power failure, then the message
load needed DLL'd for kernel appeared, I also tried to
start with Last good known menu but same message. When I
tried to boot from the CD to go to recovery process I was
totally stunned as I recieved the message, " File \i386
\KDCOMM.DLL could not be loaded. The error code is 4
Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"

I have a Pentium Celleron 2.2 GHZ with 512MB memory and 2
HDD one 80GB IDE and one 10GB SCSI, Windows XP Pro was
loaded on the 80GB IDE drive.

I disabled the IDE drive so that I can re-install on the
SCSI drive but the same error occurs, I have tried
everything but nothing works, I also tried using the CD in
another PC to see maybe if the CD is damaged but on the
other PC the installation works no problem, Can someone
please help me, I do not have a problem if I have to loose
the data on my drive but I would not like to, If there is
no other way it must be done(I DO have backups) its just
that it took me 3 days to install everything that I needed
and wanted.

Please Help

"IRQ something" just isn't going to get you very far in diagnosing the
cause of the problem.

We need to have the complete *verbatim* information from the Blue
Screen error message. Every word and parameter can be important.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP
On-Line Help Computer Service

"The reason computer chips are so small is computers don't eat much."

Savvas Efthymiou

Hi Dave.

I do have a complete backup but that does not help me as I
cannot get into Windows to do a restore, secondly I have
tried to go into repair but the KDCOM.DLL message keeps
appearing, straight after the ASR option, it does not get
to a menu screen, lastly I have treid to re-install but
the same message re-appears KDCOM.DLL, I cannot get past
this message this is what my problem is.

My hardware has been checked and there is no problem, I
have tested all components of the machine on other
machines, and the motherboard was tested by the local
dealers and no problems.

Please let me know if you can think of anything else.

savvas efthymiou

Hi Ron

The blue screen dissapeared before I could jot it down, As
you can see in my original message I do give all the
information available to me. If I had the complete
*Verbatim* I would have given it to you.

You got any other suggestions?
I will appreciate anything as I cannot do anything.

savvas Efthymiou

Hi Ron

Sorry sticky keyboard, the file is KDCOM.DLL, it is the
kernel debugging file.

My Problem is that I cannot get into repair mode as I get
the KDCOM.DLL message, if you follow the messages on the
bottom of the screen when using the CD to boot you will
see a message Kernel Debugging, as it starts doing that it
gives me the error KDCOM.DLL and error code 4, It just
won't go past that step, I have tried the CD on another
machine and no problem I get to the installation menu so
there is nothing wrong with the CD.

Any other suggestions

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