Macro not recognizing .xlsx spreadsheet

  • Thread starter Thread starter kevgret
  • Start date Start date


Good Morning:

I am trying to open a macro but when I go to open the worksheet the maco is
linking to I cannot because the macro is looking for a .xls spreadsheet
instead of the.xlsx file extension. The file I have the maco linked to is a
excel 2007 file extension.

I do not have the option to change the file extension options to include
..xlsx extensions.

Can anyone help me why the macro would not be recognizing a .xlsx spreadsheet?

Looks like macro has been written expecting a XLS file (might have been
written before XLSX format came out...). If you can not change the macro then
your only choice is to try saving your XLSX file in XLS (Excel 97-2003
Which version of Excel are you using?

What do you mean by "open a macro"?

What do you mean by "open the worksheet"?

Workbooks can be opened. Worksheets cannot be opened.

Post the code.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Thank you for your help.

You are correct. This Macro was written several years ago. Is there any
way to update the macro to recognize the .xlsx format? I am weary of saving
the file back down to an .xls format because the .xlsx file now has more than
256 columns and I think the old format will chop off anything more than 256

the new excel allows for something like 16,000 columns and the old excel
only has something like 256 columns.

If I could just "update" the macro to pull up the .xlsx file that would be

Thanks for your reply.

If is not password protected then you can...

Open the file contatining the macro
Press ALT-F11 to open VB Editor...

Search for .XLS and replace by .XLSX

Or if there is a list of formats... add XLSX to it.... depends on how it has
been written...

If you can't work it out then post the relevant part of macro here...
Gord Dibben said:
Which version of Excel are you using?

I am using excel 2007.
What do you mean by "open a macro"?

There is a macro on my spreadsheet which links to another workbook. When I
click on the maco called "Open Target workbook" I get the option to select
the file where my data is stored for the macro. The problem is I can't
filter the file extensions for .xlsx. I only have the option to open a .xls
format spreadsheet.

Post the code.

Is this the code?

Sub fsCheckData()


' Check the Mapping and Desc fields to ensure we have the same rows in
both sheets
currRow = 0
For targetRow = targetMappingColumnFirstRow To targetMappingColumnLastRow
If Not
(Workbooks(targetWorkbook).Worksheets(targetWorksheet).Rows(targetRow).Hidden) Then
If Not (Cells(fsStartRow + currRow, 1).Value = "") And _
(Not (Cells(fsStartRow + currRow, 1).Value =
targetMappingColumn).Value) Or _
Not (Cells(fsStartRow + currRow, 2).Value =
targetDescField1).Value) Or _
Not (Cells(fsStartRow + currRow, 3).Value =
targetDescField2).Value)) Then
MsgBox ("Data Mismatch Error for Row " + Trim(Str(fsStartRow
+ currRow)) + Chr(13) + "Rows data in first three columns of this spreadsheet
must match those in target workbook.")
Exit Sub
End If
currRow = currRow + 1
End If

' Now, re-copy the formula for the URL delimiter
' Reason: there have been bugs when adding / removing cells (ie: when
creating group / folder IDs)
' Easiest fix is to just re-copy as the last step in the process (when
the check / set data button is clicked)

' numberOfRows is the number of rows of client data in the
IntraLinksFileSplit worksheet
numberOfRows = targetMappingColumnLastRow - targetMappingColumnFirstRow
Range("P" + Trim(Str(fsTemplateRow)) + ":P" + Trim(Str(fsStartRow +
Range("P" + Trim(Str(fsStartRow)) + ":P" + Trim(Str(fsStartRow +
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

targetNumRows = currRow - 1
'loop through every row and check for data
dataCheckList = ""
For currRow = fsStartRow To (fsStartRow + targetNumRows)
If Not (Cells(currRow, 1) = "") Then
If Not ((Cells(currRow, 5).Value = True) Or (Cells(currRow,
5).Value = False)) Then
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell E" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " must be True or False!" + Chr(13)
End If
If (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 5).Value = True) Then
If (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 4).Value = "")
Then 'filename is empty
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell D" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
If (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 6).Value = "")
Then 'no workspace ID specified
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell F" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
If CStr(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 7).Value) =
"Error 2042" Then 'folderID lookup failed
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell G" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
If CStr(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 9).Value) =
"Error 2042" Then 'group ID
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell I" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
If Not ((Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 11).Value =
"SEE") Or (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 11).Value = "CONTROL") Or
(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 11).Value = "S") Or
(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 11).Value = "C")) Then 'permission
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell K" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " must be SEE or CONTROL!" + Chr(13) +
Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 11).Value
End If
If (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 12).Value = "")
Then 'pub title
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell L" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
If (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 13).Value = "")
Then 'effective date
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell M" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
If Not ((Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 14).Value =
"DRMOn") Or (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 14).Value = "DRMOff") Or
(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 14).Value = "D2")) Then 'permission
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell N" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " must be DRMOn of DRMOff!" + Chr(13)
End If
If Not ((Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 15).Value =
"SAT") Or (Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 15).Value = "SAF") Or
(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 15).Value = "SAD")) Then 'send alert
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell O" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " must be SendAlertTrue or SendAlertFalse!" + Chr(13)
End If
If CStr(Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells(currRow, 16).Value) =
"Error 2042" Then 'delimiter is empty
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + "Cell P" +
Trim(Str(currRow)) + " is empty!" + Chr(13)
End If
End If
End If

'Make a call here to the function to check length of PDF names
dataCheckList = dataCheckList + CheckLengthOfPDFNames()

If (dataCheckList = "") Then
' Set the target column data
currRow = 0
For targetRow = targetMappingColumnFirstRow To
If Not
(Workbooks(targetWorkbook).Worksheets(targetWorksheet).Rows(targetRow).Hidden) Then
If Not (Cells(fsStartRow + currRow, 1) = "") Then
' the following change actually writes the data to the
target workbook (rather than just referencing it)
ILURLReferenceCellString = "URL:" &
Workbooks(fsFileName).Worksheets(fsSheetName).Cells((fsStartRow + currRow),

targetURLColumn) = ILURLReferenceCellString
End If
currRow = currRow + 1
End If

MsgBox ("Done Checking Data and Setting URL Data in Target Workbook")
MsgBox (dataCheckList)
MsgBox ("Target URL data not set due to errors!")
End If

Cells(1, 1).Select

End Sub

' Private Helper Functions
Private Function fsWorkbookExists(ByVal workbookName As String) As Boolean
' Checks if the workbook exists
For Each w In Workbooks
If (w.Name = workbookName) Then
fsWorkbookExists = True
Exit Function
End If
fsWorkbookExists = False
End Function

Private Function fsWorksheetExists(ByVal workbookName As String, ByVal
sheetName As String) As Boolean
' Checks if the worksheet exists in the workbook
For Each s In Workbooks(workbookName).Sheets
If (s.Name = sheetName) Then
fsWorksheetExists = True
Exit Function
End If
fsWorksheetExists = False
End Function

Public Function CharacterCleanPDFName(text As String, allowSpaces As
Boolean) As String
' This function cleans a dirty string...changes bad characters to harmless
Dim tempText

tempText = text

tempText = Replace(tempText, "/", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "\", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "|", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, ":", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "*", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "?", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, """", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "<", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, ">", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "!", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "@", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "#", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "$", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "%", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "^", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "&", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "*", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "=", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "~", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, ",", "_")

' remove apostrophes -> currently in production ( there is a
bug that
' does not allow PDFs with apostrophes to be rendered in the browser
tempText = Replace(tempText, "'", "") 'just remove apostrophe; don't
swap in underscore

If Not (allowSpaces) Then
tempText = Replace(tempText, " ", "_")
End If

CharacterCleanPDFName = tempText
End Function

Public Function CharacterCleanPublication(text As String, allowSpaces As
Boolean) As String
' This function cleans a dirty string...changes bad characters to harmless
Dim tempText

tempText = text
tempText = Replace(tempText, "/", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "\", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "|", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, ":", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "*", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "?", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, """", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "<", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, ">", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "!", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "@", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "#", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "$", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "%", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "^", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "&", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "*", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "=", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, "~", "_")
tempText = Replace(tempText, ",", "_")

If Not (allowSpaces) Then
tempText = Replace(tempText, " ", "_")
End If

CharacterCleanPublication = tempText
End Function

Private Function CheckLengthOfPDFNames() As String
' Checks to ensure that PDF name is less than 50 characters
' This is a bug with ARTS Split Pro (PDF Splitter)
' Remove this function when they have fixed this

' This function takes no arguments. It is only called from another sub /
' that has already set global variables. Uses:
' targetMappingColumnFirstRow
' targetMappingColumnLastRow

'numberOfRows holds the number of rows in the data set
numberOfRows = targetMappingColumnLastRow - targetMappingColumnFirstRow
+ 1

' lastRow holds the real value of last row of data to be operated on
lastRow = fsStartRow + numberOfRows - 1

' currentRow increments from the 1st data row to the last data row
For currentRow = fsStartRow To lastRow
If Not (Cells(currentRow, 1) = "") Then 'TO DO : do i need this
check ?

' check the length of the current filename
If (Len(Cells(currentRow, 4).Value) > 50) Then
longFileNames = longFileNames + "Row " +
Trim(Str(currentRow)) + ": " + Cells(currentRow, 4) + Chr(13)
End If
End If

' as necessary, construct return string
If (longFileNames = "") Then
CheckLengthOfPDFNames = longFileNames
Exit Function
End If

CheckLengthOfPDFNames = Chr(13) + "Long PDF filenames (max is 50 chars
excluding '.pdf'): " + Chr(13) + longFileNames

End Function
Hello again:

I think this is the macro that deals with the opening of the workbook.

I tried changing the .xls to .xlsx but it still would not open my 2007

Any suggestions on how to change the macro below to read my 2007 workbook?

Option Explicit

Private Sub cboSelectWksht_DropButtonClick()
Dim strTargetWkbk As String, strTargetWksht As String
Dim objWkbk As Workbook, objWksht As Worksheet
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

'flush combobox
j = Application.ActiveSheet.cboSelectWksht.ListCount
For i = 0 To j - 1
Application.ActiveSheet.cboSelectWksht.RemoveItem 0
Next i

strTargetWkbk = Application.ActiveSheet.txtTargetWkbk
If strTargetWkbk = "" Then 'driver is target workbook
strTargetWkbk = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name

'add items to worksheet combo box
For Each objWksht In Workbooks(strTargetWkbk).Worksheets
strTargetWksht = objWksht.Name
If strTargetWksht <> "NameMatch" Then
Application.ActiveSheet.cboSelectWksht.AddItem strTargetWksht
End If
Next objWksht
'verify workbook is open
For Each objWkbk In Workbooks
If objWkbk.Name = strTargetWkbk Then 'populate combobox with worksheets
For Each objWksht In Workbooks(strTargetWkbk).Worksheets
strTargetWksht = objWksht.Name
Application.ActiveSheet.cboSelectWksht.AddItem strTargetWksht
Next objWksht
End If
Next objWkbk
End If

If Application.ActiveSheet.txtTargetWkbk.Value = "" Then
Cells(28, 3) = "this"
End If

Cells(29, 3) = cboSelectWksht

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Err.Description,
vbOKOnly, "Driver Error"
GoTo SubExit

End Sub

Private Sub cmdOpenWkbk_Click()

Dim strActiveWkbk As String, strActiveWkSht As String, strTargetWkbkPath As
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, strTargetWkbkFileName As String, strChk As
Dim w As Worksheet

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

strActiveWkbk = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
strActiveWkSht = Application.ActiveSheet.Name
strTargetWkbkPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Excel
Files(*.xls), *.xls", , "Open Target Workbook (FileSplit Data)", , False)

If strTargetWkbkPath <> "False" Then 'open file and get filename from
returned path + filename
Workbooks.Open strTargetWkbkPath
i = Len(strTargetWkbkPath)
strChk = Mid(strTargetWkbkPath, i, 1)
i = i - 1
Loop While (strChk <> "\") And (strChk <> "/")
strTargetWkbkFileName = Mid(strTargetWkbkPath, i + 2)
'set text box with filename
= strTargetWkbkFileName
Workbooks(strActiveWkbk).Worksheets(strActiveWkSht).Cells(28, 3) =

'flush combobox
j =
For i = 0 To j - 1

Next i

'set cboSelectWksht with worksheets in target workbook
For Each w In Workbooks(strTargetWkbkFileName).Worksheets

Next w
End If
If Workbooks(strActiveWkbk).Worksheets(strActiveWkSht).txtTargetWkbk.Value =
"" Then
Cells(28, 3) = "this"
End If

Exit Sub

If Err <> 1004 Then
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Err.Description,
vbOKOnly, "Driver Error"
MsgBox "Make sure you have downloaded and saved the FileSplit driver to
your computer before using.", vbOKOnly, "Error Opening Workbook"
End If
GoTo SubExit

End Sub

Public Sub DataCheck_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrHandler


Cells(1, 1).Select
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description, vbOKOnly,
"Driver Error"
GoTo ErrExit

End Sub
Did you change in the line
Files(*.xls), *.xls", , "Open Target Workbook (FileSplit Data)", , False)
If yes, then what is the error you are getting?

Also do you have FileSplit driver?

Do remember that in Excel 2007 workbooks with macros are named XLSM
MsgBox "Make sure you have downloaded and saved the FileSplit driver to
your computer before using.", vbOKOnly, "Error Opening Workbook"
This example modification pops up the FileOpen dialog with *.xlxs as default
"Files of type"

Private Sub cmdOpenWkbk_Click()

strActiveWkbk = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Name
strActiveWkSht = Application.ActiveSheet.Name
strTargetWkbkPath = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Excel
Files(*.xlxs), *.xlxs", , "Open Target Workbook (FileSplit Data)", , False)

End sub