Lavasoft Ad-Ware and NIS 2005 Firewall Help Needed


Mark Williams

NIS (Norton Internet Security) 2005 is not allowing Ad-Ware SE Personal
WebUpdate feature download the definition update file. It allows it to
connect though. In order to get it to work, I have to turn the firewall
completely off. I confirmed that it is defined in NIS Program Control. It
has Internet Access of Automatic and is in the category of General. I have
tried deleting it and then adding it back. What do I need to do or rule do I
need to add in order to get it to work?

Miss Perspicacia Tick

Mark said:
NIS (Norton Internet Security) 2005 is not allowing Ad-Ware SE
Personal WebUpdate feature download the definition update file. It
allows it to connect though. In order to get it to work, I have to
turn the firewall completely off. I confirmed that it is defined in
NIS Program Control. It has Internet Access of Automatic and is in
the category of General. I have tried deleting it and then adding it
back. What do I need to do or rule do I need to add in order to get
it to work?

Really? Well, gee, that's too bad. Now, did you have a question that related
*specifically* to the Windows XP operating system? Your question is
completely OT - you're asking about two 3rd party applications. Here's a
clue - ask the developer(s) of the application(s) *NOT* the operating

Mike Hall

How Symantec Norton products became the much loved security solution that
they appear to be is completely beyond me.. Symantec must be sending out
subliminal waves that only the less well informed pick up.. either that or
they fell in love with Peter Norton's big smile that appeared on all early
Norton packaging.. :)

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user

Miss Perspicacia Tick

Mike said:
How Symantec Norton products became the much loved security solution
that they appear to be is completely beyond me.. Symantec must be
sending out subliminal waves that only the less well informed pick
up.. either that or they fell in love with Peter Norton's big smile
that appeared on all early Norton packaging.. :)

Actually, Mike, when Norton still worked for Symantec, I recommended their
products to everyone - it's only since he left that they've become the
crapware we see today. When they consumed (no other word for it) PQ, I
feared for the beloved PQ apps I've used - more or less - since their
inception (talking about PM and DI here) - I need something to replace DI7
because it doesn't particularly care for restoring images to SATA drives
(even when it has been provided with the correct driver) - but I'm looking
at Acronis TrueImage over Ghost (two reasons - it's almost half the price
and it isn't Symantec!) Ghost might have "Drive Image technology" but it's
what they've done with it that worries me. My last experience with Ghost was
not a pleasant one - at the time I'd not discovered Acronis, and I still had
the PQ option now, obviously, I don't.

Mind you, having said that, they used Norton's image long after he quit -
probably, as you imply, to lull novices into a false sense of security.
Viking Direct (office supplies) use a similar tactic over here - their
website, brochures, leaflets and catalogues are plastered with the inanely
grinning visage of Ian Helston, the CEO even though he's now retired. I once
wrote to him to complain about the way customer services had completely
ballsed up an order for some office chairs - the bastard never replied. He
has a kindly grandfatherly face, luring people into thinking that their
prices cannot be beaten (when, in reality, you can buy cheaper just about
anywhere - and they're very slow to keep up with new equipment models - the
Canon i9100 had been released nearly 2 years before they stocked the tanks -
at £10 a pop, twice as much as anywhere else). They keep up the pretence
with free gifts - "an all-expenses-paid trip to the Bahamas with every
million reams of Viking brand inkjet paper you buy!" that sort of thing -
obviously stupid people can't work out that the free gift costs about a
tenth of what you have to purchase to get it.

Mike Hall

Norton have never made anything that ran without problems.. I tried some of
the early stuff and all it did was compromise the computer.. vowed never to
use Norton or recommend it to anybody..

Then, maybe four years ago, Symantec asked for volunteers to beta their
personal firewall, so I put my hand in the air.. sure enough, I was
accepted, and was duly sent the software.. 165 people, all to remain
anonymous, joined in and the collective findings were to be used in reports
and reviews of the finished product.. so far so good..

Having installed the software on the agreed date, the firewall was hit like
I have never seen a firewall hit before or since.. I had used Zonealarm,
Black Ice, HackTracer, and Neowatch up to that point, and I had never seen
such sustained activity.. I asked Symantec if they were deliberately sending
out attacks at all 165 of us, and not surprisingly, they denied doing that..
the test controller then sent out an e-mail to each of us in an attempt to
quosh any such rumours.. unfortunately, the lady also included the entire
test program mailing list.. so much for anonymity.. lol.. a few dropped out
at this point, having been affronted by the disclosure.. lol

It became crystal clear why each one of us was taking so many hits..
Symantec knew well that none of them would get through as they were all
bogus attacks.. their hope was that we would write glowing reports after the
official end of test.. inevitably, some of us contacted each other to
compare notes.. the resultant opinion was that we were being set up big
time.. I doubt that Symantec ever printed my 2¢ worth.. lol.. except maybe
in a memo to remind emplyees to block my e-mail ID.. lol..

Norton/Symantec remains in my personal 'black hole' of software/hardware
solutions that can't solve s@#t

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user

Mark Williams

Miss Perspicacia Tick said:
Really? Well, gee, that's too bad. Now, did you have a question that
related *specifically* to the Windows XP operating system? Your question
is completely OT - you're asking about two 3rd party applications. Here's
a clue - ask the developer(s) of the application(s) *NOT* the operating
Sorry... I could not find a direct newsgroup that I have access in order to
post this question. This newsgroup has very knowledgeable and talented
people that have been able to help with an assortment of topics. I was
hopeful that they could help with this challenge. It is unfortunate that
postings like yours will discourage many people out there from posting to


About the same time (~ 4 years ago) I bought Norton (Gold, I think it was).
It worked fine - for a few months, but had a 'learning-curve' built in.
Suddenly I found just to open say, a Word doc., it would scan it first, then
for some inexplicable reason, rescan it before it was allowed to close - 30
secs each way of thumb twiddling.
I eventually completely deleted Norton, which fixed the problem
immediataly - needless to say, at this stage, I was half bald.
It took quite a while to work out where the problem lay, so needless to say,
I would never buy one of their products again.

Mark Williams

Unfortunately it is always where I start. I first spend time digging
through their knowledge base. But it is amazing how little there is on the
type of problems surfacing with NIS 2005. Then I send them an e-mail and
wait. After the period of days, I get a response back from someone in
India that has failed to comprehend the issue. I then Google search the
web and then the newsgroups. I often note what newsgroups similar questions
have surfaced in and were resolved. This leads me to finally seeking help
in those newsgroup. Unfortunately by the time I get to posting, I have put
a considerable amount of time in.

If you have thoughts on how I can improve working through an issue, I am
open to suggestions.

Joan Archer

I know what you mean about Viking, even though I do have an account with
them when I was shopping for a multifunction machine I got one quite a
bit cheaper than the price they wanted to charge.
I wouldn't touch anything Norton, too many horror stories. I do have PM8
but haven't even got around to installing on this XP box, I used it when
I had my WinME machine and dual booted with XP.

Miss Perspicacia Tick wrote:

Mike Hall


You are doing all that you can, it would seem.. my advice re. this issue is
to dump NIS 2005, but I am aware that you have paid good money in good
faith.. that or you will have to wait until 'Bombay Support' finally
understand your problem..

You can see from other posts in this thread that computer users are not too
happy with Norton products, and it hasn't gone unnoticed that nobody has
come forward to support NIS 2005.. Norton users to whom I have talked tell
me that it has a friendly interface and that it is ok really.. when I ask
why they have asked for my support re. a virus that appears to have made it
through the net, they reiterate the part about the friendly interface and
start quoting from the sales blurb.. the fact that Mrs Anne G of Kelowna,
British Columbia, thinks that NIS is the best invention since the wheel
means nothing at all..

While it is true that there are many experts in many fields, these
newsgroups deal with Microsoft products and problems essentially.. the MVPs
that patrol them have access to huge amounts of MS support material, but are
in the same position as you regarding third party software..

I wish that I could send you to somewhere that could offer proper help in
overcoming your problem, but all that I can do is suggest that you try
another product.. whether you choose to go back to a computer store and
purchase a retail product like McAfee (I use McAfee without problems, as do
99% of those that I personally support) or download a freebie online is
entirely your call..

Good luck along whatever path you choose..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user

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