K-30 sd card problem.


Sep 30, 2005
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Hi I just bought a K-30 and it is my first DSLR. I am pretty impressed with the camera.
However I have a problem.

I have four different types of SDHC cards all new Class 10 8/16/4 GB.
I have used Linux and Windows 7.
I have two old card readers both work with SDHC and a new one I just bought.
I have the original Pentax battery, a aftermarket battery, the AA holder with new batteries and some old good quality batteries.

This problem occurred with the Firmware V 1.0 that was on the camera when I got it and after I have upgraded the Firmware to V 1.04.

All the above work perfectly with other SDHC cards I have containing mainly Raspberry Pi images or just files and folders.

My problem is,

I place the sd card in the camera. I have tried formatting on the pc and in the camera (I get the same results).
I take some pictures.
I take the sd card and put it in a reader and view the files on the pc. I have also connected the camera to the pc directly(I get the same results)
I either leave the files on the sd card or copy or move them to the pc (I get the same results)
I take out the sd card from the reader and place it back in the camera.
I take some more pictures.
I put the card in the reader and I get -- see screenshots.






In linux I can not read the card and I get a message telling me that I have the wrong file type.
In Windows 7 I see variations of the above. I can not delete any of the files or folders and I can not read any of the files.

When I put the card back in the camera the camera tells me that the card needs formatting.

Do I have a faulty camera ?

Thanks in anticipation of some replies.
well, you are having/getting/seeing what looks like corrupted files. This is usually associated with the card reader, especially older ones, and, new ones. :rolleyes:

So, I never use a card reader, I use the supplied cable connected to a USB2 port (would check that if I were you) I only format the cards in the camera, never via the PC. I only buy Sandisk cards. I use Picasa to copy pics off the camera to the PC.

I don't use RAW, don't personally need that amount of sophisticated detail in my pics. It became a real chore to "process" the pics. I'm happy just using JPEGs, I get a faster burst speed too, good for my bird watching. :)

I can't remember what the "software" is for my Sony (i'll look it up) ... is called Picture Motion Browser. Can't recall ever using it. I'm not sure If I ever updated the firmware on the camera, it's not broke, so I won't fix it.

I see there is a Pentax RAW File Corrupt Recover software, I won't link to the download as I can't figure out what green download button one would use. Some of these 3rd party download sites are stupid to navigate. Try Pentax.

I do remember having a similar 'problem' but I think it was an older Samsung point-n-shoot, I still got that. It was Nettie's

Will see if I can find anything on tinternet.

Thanks mucks. I have also connected the camera to the pc directly(I get the same results).

I don't see how a faulty card reader can write or make it look like it has written 3 to 5 GB of strange files to the card when I had only taken 20 to 70 MB of pictures.

I have searched the net and asked the same Q on two Pentax forums. Still waiting for a result.
Though one chap said he could pop the card in and out of his pc and camera multiple times with no problems. Which is what I would have thought was normal procedure. I can certainly do that with me flash card used with me Cannon.

I guess I could go and buy a decent card reader on Monday at least that will take that out of the equation.

It's going to be a bit of trial-nd error.

I would try your SD cards in a friends DSLR camera if you can, also take 'em along to the local print shop, most supermarkets have them do-it-yourself pick your print thingies. Buy a new SD card even, I know you may have a new one, but one is never enough, and may help rule out a faulty card. I know I can't use my old cards in the Sony.

I'm lucky enough to have a 'Wilkinsons Camera' store here, have made myself known and can ask 'silly' questions. Is where I bought my Sony ... They fixed my binoculars after I broke them, done a bloody good job. Have you anything simular around? Jessops have closed.

Get a new Camera to PC cable, I have two, one is always in my camera bag, the other attached, permanently, to that USB2 port I mentioned. Actually, I'm using the USB3 one on this MB. Remember, the MB WILL cheat and have several STD USB ports. Find the High-Speed one, it does help.

I had a quick look on tinternet, they not much else I can add ... If you do have access to a "camera" shop, take your Pentax along and ask if they wouldn't mind having a look-see for you. Don't be offended if they want to charge you.

One final point, try another "copy" software, try Picasa, or something.

Problem sorted I think.

Seems that after all my protestations about all me kit being tikety boo. It was not.

I had a intermittently faulty usb port on my monitor. It worked ok when I did a test run but I must have caught it just right for it to seem ok. Obviously it was throwing wobblies in future tests as today it has died and there is not a glimmer of life in it.
All other ports work fine and now the sd cards are behaving as they should.
Seems I need to work on my testing methodology.
I feel such a fool. Happy but foolish.
Nowt new there then.

Thanks for the help folks.