Invalid system disk



Invalid system disk
Replace the disk, and then press any key


When I try remove Trojan Virus I rename svchost.exe to svchostold.exe
the system auto restart ok but hard disk can't copy/past data (it seem write
protect),after i try fix it restart my computer it display the error message
"Invalid system disk ....."
I access Bios change boot priority from CD I can start windowsXP from CD, it
seem everything is ok include all of data and program in this hard disk.
But if I move out CD restart system it display invalid system disk ... again.
and I try install SP2 it's not effect.

Pease help me how to fix this problem.
Thank you very much !


any help would be awesome


When a floppy disk is inserted and try to boot I will get the message,
Invalid system disk


This may be a ridiculous question - but are you trying to boot the computer
with a floppy disk in the drive? If the floppy is not formatted as a
"system" disk the :invalid system disk.. error pops up. If you are not
using a floppy - through BIOS make the HD as first boot device and see what

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