Installing WinXP - Error opening Operating System file after reboot



I have tried to install WinXP Pro with SP1 on a new computer:

AMD Duron 1600
All-in-one MB (PCCHIPS)
40GB Western Digital HDD
Samsung CDRW

The installation begins with hardware inspection, and then asks you
which partition to install WinXP to?. I created a new partition using
All available space and formatted it with NTFS. The installation then
proceeds to copy the setup files to HDD and when finished, it reboots.

After rebooting, the installation is supposed to proceed from the HDD,
however, I keep getting an error: Error opening Operating System File.

I Have retried it at least 5-6times with full format and quick format,
but exact same error keeps appearing. I can see that the installation
has put files on the C drive.

I have searched over 100 Google news group articles on installation
errors with Win XP, but failed to find this specific problem.

Can anyone please help.


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Does your motherboard have a BIOS-level antivirus detection scheme? If so,
disable it during installation.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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