Install illegal copy for customer - Legal?



There's also some customers who arrive at a shop, and ask if the tech
wouldn't install Win XP for them (for free) on their box! They don't
own it and they don't want to buy it either. They seem to think that
$200 dollars for an OS is way too much money, so they're seeking for a
way to get it for free since they don't have the knowledge and the time
to learn an OS from a different kind. Also, they're kind of

One can of course, use the upgrade CD for a fresh install and save lots
of bread.
Anyway, yes, any pc repair person has to deal with that. They may even
ask you to burn them a CD and use the "crack" to avoid having to

Personally? I also think $200 is too much for Windows XP. But I feel $89
for the upgrade CD is fair.

Winux P

kurttrail said:
"doesn't have to be yours, just legal"

So if the customer burned a copy from a friends legal copy, there is
nothing wrong, even in Assbackwards Australia.

Na! Not really Kurt, only in the land of Pentacostal fanatics where it's
even wrong to drink a cup of coffee. It's social crime to take the moral
stance and dob someone in here, your very own family members would beat you
to a pulp for doing so.

Condolences Kurt, you should have been born here. They'd love you here.

- Winux P


Winux said:
Na! Not really Kurt, only in the land of Pentacostal fanatics where
it's even wrong to drink a cup of coffee. It's social crime to take
the moral stance and dob someone in here, your very own family
members would beat you to a pulp for doing so.

Condolences Kurt, you should have been born here. They'd love you

Naw, water spins the wrong way down drains. Plus in many respects
Aussie Copyright Law is even more draconian than here in the land of

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Uncle Joe

Read what the Greek philosopher Aristotle has to say
about installing pirated software on customers' PCs in his
seminal book, "The Ethics of Being a Computer Shop

Uncle Joe

There's also some customers who arrive at a shop, and ask if the tech
wouldn't install Win XP for them (for free) on their box! They don't
own it and they don't want to buy it either. They seem to think that
$200 dollars for an OS is way too much money, so they're seeking for a
way to get it for free since they don't have the knowledge and the time
to learn an OS from a different kind. Also, they're kind of
"Brainwashed" to use MS products. "Everybody" use it, so it's easier to
get help, and it's probably the best bet they can make to use the
"industry standard".

"$200 dollars for an OS is way too much money." I agree.

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