If I upgrade my vista premium to vista buisness will I lose everyt


Richard Urban

I have been top posting since Win95 days and will continue to do so. I also
appreciate it when others do so also. That way I don't have to wade through
so much bull shi*. This is contrary to what you want. But - who cares.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)


* XS11E:

Just more bruit de fond.

Had to look that one up (actually get a translation of it). I had this
image of some burly folks beating each other with palm fronds or


If you have Home Premium, then you cannot do an inplace upgrade to
Business, only to Ultimate. If you wanted to upgrade to Business, you
would have to back up all of your data to external media/spare hard drive
and do a custom (clean) install. Business does not have Media Center, so
upgrading from Home Premium to Business would entail a loss of
functionality, which prevents the ability to upgrade inplace.
"Trev" wrote

Finally a reply on point...lol. To the OP, here is a link with info on
upgrading and whether it supports an in place upgrade or requires a clean

Always have a full and complete backup of important data. Acronis True
Image version 10 imaging to an external hard drive is a nice backup/recovery

David Dickinson

Richard Urban said:
Who the fsk made you the boss?

Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Tsk, tsk. Richard, doesn't that question require a mirror?

I think you missed the point of XS11E's post. I learned newsgroup etiquette
on USENET in the middle 90's. Long-time and well-accepted tradition support
the claim that XS11E is absolutely right and on point: "How to Post",
whether opinion or not, is always on-topic in an unmoderated forum that
doesn't have a community-accepted FAQ saying otherwise. However,
interjecting into the discussion comments like yours generally is viewed as
unconstructive -- it's almost as useless as claiming that God is on your

David Dickinson

Richard Urban said:
I have been top posting since Win95 days and will continue to do so. I also
appreciate it when others do so also. That way I don't have to wade through
so much bull shi*. This is contrary to what you want. But - who cares.

Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Richard, did you actually /read/ any of those articles? They talk about
/other people's/ needs, and the usefulness of contextual replies. But if
you've been using newsgroups since Win95, then you already know the
arguments and just don't care that other people -- especially newcomers, who
always must be welcomed and hand-held for a while -- might find top-posts

Peter in New Zealand

David Dickinson said:
Richard, did you actually /read/ any of those articles? They talk about
/other people's/ needs, and the usefulness of contextual replies. But if
you've been using newsgroups since Win95, then you already know the
arguments and just don't care that other people -- especially newcomers,
who always must be welcomed and hand-held for a while -- might find
top-posts confusing.

Flamin' heck! What an utter waste of bandwidth guys. I'm a cantankerous old
codger too, and I've been on usenet since W95 days, and I personally don't
give a dried knob of continental goat spit where the hell someone posts. I
just appreciate they've taken a moment to reply. At the moment I'm bottom
posting 'cause that's where Windows Mail happens to dump the cursor. If it
was at the top, then that's where I'd post, and I couldn't care less if
someone out there is offended by it.

Over more than ten years I've seen this idiotic non-issue generate more
sheer crap and drivel on usenet than any other topic.

Now I've no doubt I'm gonna get flamed for this, but just remember there's a
cute little low tech thing on most mouses now. (meece, mice, whatever) It's
called a scroll wheel, and it is sooo easy to use. And anyone who can't keep
track of a discussion without having it all laid out in sequence for them
has just got to be lacking something.

Whaw! That feels so much better. If you read this far then you probably
either love me or hate me, but for goodness sake let's keep things on topic.

Not Me

How often did you dial up a BBS (paying by the minute) and post
'wrong'...get flamed, death threats, banned from the forum.
W95, that makes you a beginner...LOL


* Rock:
Had to look that one up (actually get a translation of it). I had this
image of some burly folks beating each other with palm fronds or




* Peter in New Zealand:
Flamin' heck! What an utter waste of bandwidth guys. I'm a cantankerous old
codger too, and I've been on usenet since W95 days, and I personally don't
give a dried knob of continental goat spit where the hell someone posts. I
just appreciate they've taken a moment to reply. At the moment I'm bottom
posting 'cause that's where Windows Mail happens to dump the cursor. If it
was at the top, then that's where I'd post, and I couldn't care less if
someone out there is offended by it.

Over more than ten years I've seen this idiotic non-issue generate more
sheer crap and drivel on usenet than any other topic.

Spot on, and I absolutely agree.

Take care,


Richard Urban

Traditions change. There is absolutely locking us into top posting or bottom

As long as communication is established, use the language (top/bottom) that
you are most comfortable with.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User
(For email, remove the obvious from my address)

Adam Albright

Richard, did you actually /read/ any of those articles? They talk about
/other people's/ needs, and the usefulness of contextual replies. But if
you've been using newsgroups since Win95, then you already know the
arguments and just don't care that other people -- especially newcomers, who
always must be welcomed and hand-held for a while -- might find top-posts

Little Richie is one of Microsoft's Evangelists that often confuses
fantasy with fact.

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