iexplore.exe cpu usage - PLEASE HELP!


Laura Jones

I'm hoping SOMEONE might be able to help.
I recently installed another browser and since then my
explorer has become seriously messed up. Even though I've
since uninstalled the other browser and re-installed
Explorer I'm having the same problems.

Basically, everytime I use Explorer my CPU usage goes
shooting up to 100% and iexplore.exe takes up +90% of this.
The browser either loads up pages at a painfully slow speed
or it crashes. I've tried disabling third-party extensions
and running a spyware search to get rid of all that
rubbish, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. What can I
do!? I feel like I've tried everything and nothing works so
I can't use Explorer again :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Aneel Ismaily

I am also having the same issue
please let me know the possible solution for this


Hi Aneel.. I managed to sort mine out but through luck
more than anything else. After reinstalling and running
the other browser that had messed everything up in the
first place, it (strangely) seemed to fix my Explorer

I think my other browser is based on Explorer so perhaps
it used and then corrupted some of my Explorer files and
reinstalling that one sorted everything out. Can't
understand why this wouldn't have been resolved when I
reinstalled Explorer though! Anyway if you've installed
anything just before your Explorer went mad you might
want to try removing it or reinstalling. Perhaps that
sounds obvious to you - I dunno! Anyway Goodluck!

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