IE6, SP1, and javascript errors



This same problem has cropped up again. Happened the first
time almost a year ago.

I have a website that uses dynamic scripting to load
content into dynamic layers (divs). It seems that anyone
running IE6 with SP1 gets errors citing errors in the

The original scripting contained language that called
self.onload events. It seems IE 6 w/SP1 installed does NOT
process these events properly. There is one case that I
know of that has SP1 installed, but also has Q818529 and
Q330994 installed and that person does NOT get script
errors. A person with SP1 and Q822925 installed DOES get
the errors.

Is there a MICROSOFT fix for this obvious bug in the ever-
buggy IE ??

Can anyone venture a guess as to what's in Q818529 and
Q330994 but NOT in Q822925 that would cause the disparity
in IE behavior ??

I REALLY need to find an answer to this. Changing the
self.onload event to window.onload has NOT solved the
problem as we thought it might.


Robert Aldwinckle

It seems that anyone running IE6 with SP1 gets errors
citing errors in the scripting.

Do you have a link or even better, a minimal example?

Have you also tried to determine if OS is a factor?
E.g. there are different scripting packages for NT5 and
NT4 or 9x. Also, at one point 9x were getting a bad


I have Win ME , IE 6 SP1 with the last update installed .

When I click on the Mindows Script 5.6 Document I get this >>>
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this page.
Line: 57
Char: 2
Error: object needed
code: 0
URL: mk:mad:MSITStore:C:\SCRIPT56.CHM::/html/js56jsorijscript.htm
Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?

Both buttons YES and NO give the same right page. Every page I click have
same behaviour......never it happened before ! I have read in IE 6 NG,
script errors on web pages and I have done something that is suggested
fix the problem >>
Go to Tools | Internet Options | Advanced.
Check the box to Disable script debugging.
Uncheck the box to Display a notification about every script error.
You might want to refresh your scripting engine:

Thanks a lot,Regards Ando.

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