IE autosearch failure


Barry Culhane

Something has happened to my AutoSearch feature in IE6, and I can't seem to fix it. If I type the phrase "microsoft windows 2003 server" in the address bar, and press ENTER to initiate a search, I get a "Cannot find server" error page and the following URL appears in the address bar:

http:///? microsoft windows 2003 server

It should use the AutoSearch settings and run the query through MSN search, but it doesn't. I've tried changing the AutoSearch settings, I've changed the registry settings to the defaults as described in KB article #179402, and I've even done a complete reinstall of IE6, and it still doesn't work... any ideas anyone?

PS: I know I can open the search sidebar and work from there, but I really don't want to...


I am having the same problem. everytime i enter a search word into the
address bar of my IE6 i get "cannot find server" as well with ?%20 added to
the word that i choose as a seach word. The autosearch function is not
working. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Something has happened to my AutoSearch feature in IE6, and I can't seem to
fix it. If I type the phrase "microsoft windows 2003 server" in the address
bar, and press ENTER to initiate a search, I get a "Cannot find server"
error page and the following URL appears in the address bar:

http:///? microsoft windows 2003 server

It should use the AutoSearch settings and run the query through MSN search,
but it doesn't. I've tried changing the AutoSearch settings, I've changed
the registry settings to the defaults as described in KB article #179402,
and I've even done a complete reinstall of IE6, and it still doesn't work...
any ideas anyone?

PS: I know I can open the search sidebar and work from there, but I really
don't want to...

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