i cant restore windows xp to factory settings



i have windows xp home edition for my compaq laptop..i want to restore it to the factory settings..but im told windows xp is permently stored to my hardrive..


I had that problem -- and the inability to restore to a selected point in time -- after adding an 80 GB Maxtor HD and changing the resident 40 GB HD to slave status as extra storage. I finally managed it, though.

You have to have a WIN XP Restore disk (more likely a pair, for drivers) for your specific PC. You also have to be lied under Users as System Administrator -- or the sole user. Then, turn off your PC and restart it. Before it can boot, hit Delete a few times. That will put you into CMOS (System Bios). Get your #1 disk into your drive (I assume CD) and ensure that the system is prepped to boot FIRST from CDROM. Leave System Bios (F10 to save boot sequence). When the system begins to boot from the CD it'll come up with a prompt -- sorry, been trying to reboot my head and recall precise options -- but choose #1. That will start your PC on the route to full Factory Status Restoration, and it's a cake walk.

Hope it works for you as well as it did for me.


You have to run RECOVERY to restore back to original
state. You will loose all updates,programs u
added,files,etc...To simply put it..IT WILL BE LIKE IT WAS
WHEN YOU TOOK IT OUT OF THE BOX NEW...That's why Restore is
done daily to fix minor situations and RECOVERY is a good
ENIMA..Backup on CD's what you wish to put back after!!

All you need to do is go to Start-TOOLS-click Recovery-
follow steps..You will have choice of NON or FULL
Recovery..With NON(distructive)you reset your PC(READ

Someone did tell you right about it being burnt on your
HD, but you can reformat it to ANEW whrn necessary to
correct PROBLEMS!!!

Done it 6 times in last two years..The little man comes
out after completion..HA! HA!
-----Original Message-----
i have windows xp home edition for my compaq laptop..i
want to restore it to the factory settings..but im told
windows xp is permently stored to my hardrive..

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