HP laptop can't connect to HDTV

Oct 6, 2004
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I have a HP G-61 laptop with a HDMI port on it and I want to connect it to my 37" Bush TV. It works when I plug it in to another HD tv and all I have to do is plug it in and it switches immediately.
With the Bush TV I plug the HDMI cable into TV and laptop and the TV won't detect the signal.
I have tried rebooting and unplugging and replugging the cable into both. It is not the HDMI cable as this works on another TV.
I have tried changing the resolution on laptop and pressing Fn and f4 which is the button to change external display.
In control panel and display settings it won't detect the TV.
I don't think it is the laptop causing the problem as it works on the other TV.

Can anyone help with this issue?

Thanks for your time.
Have you looked through the settings on the bush tv?

Some tv's need whats called a 'blanking signal' to allow the switch over this is certainly the case with a scart lead anyway i'm not too sure about a HDMI cable

Have you tried dropping the refresh rate on laptop aswell?
As TXD said, almost certainly a TV menu setting.

The simplest possibility being to access the input menu and select the appropiate HDMI input.
The TV is on the HDMI channel when I connect it and I have been through the menu and it doesn't have any options that could correspond to how I could connect the laptop.
I don't understand what you mean by the refresh rate on the laptop?

Refresh rate should be represented by 60hz for example usually for laptops 60 is default

its in advanced/monitor tab
How many HDMI ports does the TV have? If more than one, is the correct port selected in the menu?

The refresh rate is normally 60Hz for an LCD display and can be adjusted within MS Windows by accessing the video setup, normally entered by right clicking desktop and selecting 'personalise' or similar.

Whether the refresh rate influences TV display or not, I have not a clue. I would assume if laptop displays ok on another similar TV then refresh rate is not critical. But, tbh, I really don't know.

My desktop media machine is displaying ok on my TV, on HDMI port 1 of 3, and it's refresh rate is 60Hz.
The refresh rate is 60 hertz on laptop and I can't change that.
TV has one HDMI port and I am sure it is on the right channel.
Thanks again.