144hz via DVI to Display port


Oct 26, 2006
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Hi all. Hope everyone is keeping safe?

I have an old graphics card (Asus GTX580). I recently bought 2 Asus VG249Q monitors (1080p @ 144hz max). Couldn't afford 1440p so went with these as they come down in price recently.

The other half has her work laptop connected to them via HDMI, so only the Display ports free at the moment. Looked up the DVI to Display port cables on Amazon, but of course noticed they won't display 144hz unless you go with DVI D? Dual link etc. Saw one cable for well over £100, so not sure if I can do this now. Wanted to use both monitors fo gaming.

I will plan on building a new system in a year or 2, but is there any way I can get this to run at 144hz without spending hundreds on cables?

Many thanks to all.
I have just had a quick look around.

If you are stuck on using 144hz you may not have a choice my friend
I saw lots of DVI-D cable running @ 4K but not fast enough for what you need

You have a few options.

Buy wife another cheaper monitor to use
Ask her to just use the screen on laptop instead
Change so she uses different port (HDMI to DP) not (HDMI to HDMI)
Pay ya money and get the cable you want
You use your D-ports instead

Now unless someone else can find you a DVI-D with Dual display running and 144hz, I don't think you gonna have many other options imo
Hi TriplexDread

Thanks for the advice.

Using laptop screen wouldn't be any good as she needs dual screens to help with the work she does. Could change over connections I guess, so I can get at least 120hz without buying DVI D?

Other possability would be to buy a graphics card which isn't top of the range but still better than my current Asus 580GTX and that any connections on it would be the newer standards/increase compatability.

I was planning on looking through what card options I would have to get the 144hz. Maybe £200 - £300 price range as I could then at least move the card over to a new build in a year or two too. May go to £400, but only if it's really beneficial. As the monitor is Freesync, I would be aiming for AMD (not sure if the monitor is also G sync compatible, probably not).

I can remember the socket version of my current PC graphics, but the mobo os Asus Sabertooth X58 I think.

I tend to like Asus, Gigabyte or MSI branded cards usually. However, I've lost touch with whose considered a good brand these days.

Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone
It is the Asus X58 Sabertooth (as in my sig of course). Must have been released around 2010 maybe. Hilarious that I fell for the "military grade components" marketing at the time as part reason for buying. Never again haha
Why spend so much on one componant? Just so your wife can continue using the screen?
Why not buy her a separate screen?

Then do your upgrade in a couple of years. Give her your screen and get yourself a better monitor then?
I understand where you're coming from, I do.

She needs 2 screens as mentioned, so I'd have to buy another 2 and then another desk, plus where would that desk go? I don't live in a mansion lol, although I welcome suggestions and I thank you for yours. Several options are possible under the right circumstances.

Would be easier to use the same screens and desk tbh. Would like to get back into my PC gaming again. Benefit from the higher hz and better fps/textures etc on my games like Crysis 3 etc, which I'm still into.

Then move over that card to the new build when I decomission current unit. It's why I said I'd go up to a decent amount if I did buy a new card, so it would still be mid range in a year hopefully. Would be an investment doing it that way, than end up with 4 new monitors when we could do with the 2. I know some will say go for a 1440p, 280hz and 5K 49" type screen but will they pay for it for you or I? Course not.

Just trying to keep costs down but still be able to make use of whatever I buy in a year.

Does anyone else think I'm being stupid? Should I buy 2 more monitors? (which are more expensive than what I've already bought as suggested) and then buy a new gfx card in a year on top of all that (when the monitors would probably cost around a grand if I went for better, 1440p etc), when I have a one desk setup etc.

I'm truly not being funny at all and I appreciate all suggestions as you never know when one can really help someone out. I like a brain storming session. Science/medicine has come leaps and bounds by people suggestiin different methods/thinking out of the box. I know I went off topic there.

Anyone recommend a decent AMD based card that would still be good in a year and allow me to use 144hz with the current new Asus VG249Q monitors setup?

Thanks again TriplexDread for putting the suggestions out there. If money was bottomless and space wasn't an issue, I'd do it.
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Thanks again TriplexDread. Also thanks for the link too Mucks. Will have a look into it after work.

Displayport is available/free on the monitors, so that's definitely the connection method I was looking at, especially as the other option (HDMI) wouldn't support the 144hz as you all know, only 120hz which is what my Fiancee has her work laptop connected to.

What's the case with Displayport to DVI cables only working one way as standard? Was just about to order 2 until I noticed the warning. I saw you can get DVI to Displayport, but like twice the price. Nothings ever straight forward is it lol. Plus the latter seems to require USB powering? Is it a conspiracy to punish those who haven't yet bought all the latest tech? Well I guess they need to push consumers some how in order to make them part with yet more money. I'm not really paranoid, just frustrated at the conspiring companies to add to their billions . Don't get me started on how mobile phones mysteriously under perform after 2 years haha

Oh well, I'll get there. Thanks again both for your time and help. You've been great and pcreview has always been a helpful community which makes anyone feel welcome.

Edit: Trying to use emoticons but they don't display after posting tut
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