How do I get Microsoft Outlook's icon off my taskbar?



I hadn't seen this happen before, but now my Microsoft Outlook is running on
my taskbar apparently when it's not even opened (closed off the program on
the desktop, but M/S Outlook's icon still on the taskbar). When I click the
icon on the taskbar, I get a windows warning balloon message saying, "Outlook
is not responding. If you are running an Exchange Server e-mail account, you
can cancel pending server requests by clicking the Outlook icon in the
notifications area, and then clicking cancel server requests on the shortcut
menu." First off, I don't have an "Exchange Server e-mail account" - unless
they think my email account is an exchange server since its cable run
- but I think not. Secondly, where is the "notifications area" where I use
"cancel server requests" since its not in the taskbar properties. I can only
either "Hide when inactive", "Alwyas show", or "Always Hide." There is no
provision for "cancel server requests". Where do I find this so that
Outlook's icon will no longer show up on my taskbar?
I'm usually knowledgable about Outlook's use but this one got my attention.
Thanks for any assistance and help.


I'm replying to my own question here. Apparently what I did was open up my
MSCONFIG window (clicked: Start > Run > type in msconfig > OK) and clicked
to the StartUp tab; unchecked an unspecified program startup (no name put to
it, but in the "Software/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run" file - not knowing what
that might be, but could be for software programs currently running to run on
taskbars, so I unchecked that, hit the restart button when the window popup
came up, waited for the bootup and now when I just opened Outlook and then
closed the program, the icon on the taskbar also closed out and no longer
stays running on the taskbar. Maybe this did the trick and I won't see that
running up space on the taskbar anymore. If this helps anyone, or if you
want to know how to take off some program icons on your taskbar that you
hardly ever use, then do what I just did. Open up the MS Configuration
window (Start > Run > type in the box: msconfig > click OK); click to
StartUp tab and look for those programs you currently have running that are
checkmarked in the Start Up tab and uncheck them. This frees up more Mhz
space for your computer to run more smoothly and effeciently.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Some common reasons why Outlook will not shut down completely when you click
either the X or Exit:

1. PDA synchronization software with your PDA in the cradle.
2. WinFax Pro (especially 10.02 in Outlook 2003) - contact their support
for an alleged fix.
3. Franklin-Covey Plan Plus!
4. COM Add-ins.
5. Mail reminder add-ins that keep a stub of Outlook open in the background
to check for new mail and fire reminders.
6. Anti-virus/firewall programs that are set to scan incoming and outgoing

You need not have gone through all that trouble with msconfig if you had
checked any of the above known problems.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, ConstantUserGal asked:

| I hadn't seen this happen before, but now my Microsoft Outlook is
| running on my taskbar apparently when it's not even opened (closed
| off the program on the desktop, but M/S Outlook's icon still on the
| taskbar). When I click the icon on the taskbar, I get a windows
| warning balloon message saying, "Outlook is not responding. If you
| are running an Exchange Server e-mail account, you can cancel pending
| server requests by clicking the Outlook icon in the notifications
| area, and then clicking cancel server requests on the shortcut menu."
| First off, I don't have an "Exchange Server e-mail account" - unless
| they think my email account is an exchange server since its
| cable run - but I think not. Secondly, where is the "notifications
| area" where I use "cancel server requests" since its not in the
| taskbar properties. I can only either "Hide when inactive", "Alwyas
| show", or "Always Hide." There is no provision for "cancel server
| requests". Where do I find this so that Outlook's icon will no
| longer show up on my taskbar?
| I'm usually knowledgable about Outlook's use but this one got my
| attention. Thanks for any assistance and help.


Thanks, Milly for the added reply. I do have a PDA but with USB plug-ins and
it was not hooked up at the time.Don't have #'s 2-4 so that didn't cause it
to hang on my taskbar, #5 didn't occur, and #6 wasn't the cause either since
Outlook was not running at all, just on the taskbar with those warning
balloons I mentioned. However, I was able to get my auto-updates for Office
2003 Svc Pack 2 installed, after turning off my security suite, and after
reboot this error didn't occur far! But thanks for the
heads up in case it does so I know what to look for.

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