hibernation and CF card



Hi !

I have built an XP embedded image with "minlogon" and "standard pc"
components and I have some problem when resuming from hibernation.
I have the error 0x00000F4.

This error seems to come from the CF location (Secondary slave). I used the
same image on a hard drive and when this HD was defined as primary slave I
had the same error. If I change my HD settings to master instead of slave
the system resumes correctly from hibernation.

I'd like to know what I have to change in the target designer or in the
registry of my image to allow hibernation with a CF secondary slave (I have
no jumpers to set my CF).

Another thing : my image contains the set of EWF components and this works
well. I have the error F4 event if the ewf is disabled.


Slobodan Brcin \(eMVP\)

Hi Mike,

Are this problems in regular hibernation or HORM case?
I mean after first or second resume?

If they are after second resume then have you unmounted FS on your non
protected volumes?



Actually, Mike can't use HORM if EWF disabled. :)

The problem is known (XP SP1): http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=330100&sd=RMVP

Microsoft recommends that you use one of the following methods to resolve this behavior:
- Configure your Disk drive as Master only.
- or -
- Connect another device as a Master, such as another disk drive or CD-ROM or DVD.



Thanks for your answers.

I do not use HORM (for the moment), I am testing the hibernation with EWF
But I made a mistake in my previous post, the error message was
KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR (7A). This corresponds to the known XP SP1 problem.
Once again, you're right KM :)

On my motherboard I have two IDE controllers but CF takes the IDE 2 : I have
only one IDE slot to plug HDD : the IDE 1. So I cannot try to plug a device
as secondary master (like cdrom) to check.

by reading the microsoft KB article, I see that I have no solution because I
cannot set the CF as secondary master.

This problem has not been resolved with SP2 ??


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