Help, windows explorer.exe keeps crashing!!!




explorer.exe seems to crash alot especially when opening folders on my
computer. I have updated windows, anti virus and windows defender and scanned
everything, but nothing seems to fix this.

I have tried searching for an answer on microsoft and found that they
reccommend downloading 'duser.dll' but when i click on the link they tell me
its unavailable!

Can anyone help me with this as the only solution I can see is to either
restore windows back a month, or to reinstall it!

p.s i am using Windows XP Pro

Carey Frisch [MVP]

Perhaps the following will solve your issue:

Problems in Windows Explorer or the Windows shell
after you install security update MS06-015

Easy Fix: Visit and scroll
down to Item No. 383 "Hewlett-Packard's Share-to-Web software - Fix (MS06-015)"
to download a registry fix.

Note: You may need to temporarily disable your antivirus program
in order to safely run the scripted fix.

Also, review the following:

MS06-013: Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer ActiveX compatibility patch for Mshtml.dll

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User
Microsoft Community Newsgroups



| Hi,
| explorer.exe seems to crash alot especially when opening folders on my
| computer. I have updated windows, anti virus and windows defender and scanned
| everything, but nothing seems to fix this.
| I have tried searching for an answer on microsoft and found that they
| reccommend downloading 'duser.dll' but when i click on the link they tell me
| its unavailable!
| Can anyone help me with this as the only solution I can see is to either
| restore windows back a month, or to reinstall it!
| p.s i am using Windows XP Pro

Phil Anthropist

aroy said:

explorer.exe seems to crash alot especially when opening folders on my
computer. I have updated windows, anti virus and windows defender and
everything, but nothing seems to fix this.

I have tried searching for an answer on microsoft and found that they
reccommend downloading 'duser.dll' but when i click on the link they tell
its unavailable!

Can anyone help me with this as the only solution I can see is to either
restore windows back a month, or to reinstall it!

p.s i am using Windows XP Pro

You can download that dll from

See number 200. Hope it works!



Try deleting all the cookies...
Click start/ Click My Computer/Right click on Hard drive (C driv
normally)/Left click on proprties....then-

1) Click disc Clean up, wait for clean up window and tick all boxe
and then click OK box. This performs C drive clean up

2) While in C drive properties a defrag will do nor harm, in C driv
properties click the tab that say's 'Tool's' Clicking the middl
window that say's "defrag now". Then click the window tha
says 'Defragment'. This will sort all the files out and may take
little while to do

These two operations will do no harm and stop the hard drive fro
becoming 'choked' and should be done on a regular basis. These may o
may not cure your problem but it is a start in the right direction

If you go to Exploder Tools (as I call it) and left click to open/lef
click Internet options and delete Cookies and delete files, if a bo
appears that says delete all off line files do so by clicking th

This should give you some breathing space if you've not already don
so, I don't use Exploder I prefer Firefox & Thunderbird, anothe
thing that lurks in the back ground even when not on line is th
dreaded Messenegr, I have this stopped from's known t
cause computer hog...

Reason I don't use Exploder & Outlook is I can be on 10 minute
and get over 120 cookies... I can be on Mozilla all day and just ge
a dozen.. some differance another reason why Exploder runs slow i
all the trash that come in with it

After I have done on-line I always run Privacy Gaurdian it cleans al
those files out in one go... abit like washing up, but of cours
you'll need to do a virus scan and a scan for Spyware just in cas
it's a nastie


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