Help: Print processor does not exist???



I have a home-grown PC running WinXP SP2 and have been printing on my Canon
MultiPass F30 for nearly 2 years now. It's connected via USB and I've not
had any major issues until approximately 1 month ago. There were times when
my PC would loose communication with the printer and I might have to restart
the printer, or at worse, restart my PC. I recently had an issue where
neither of the above worked, so I attempted to delete the Canon from my
printer list. Oddly enough, it seemed to hang when doing so, and said
something like "deleting..." for a very long time. During this, I attempted
to readd the printer, but could not get Windows to locate it no matter what I
did (power offs, restarts, changing USB cables, etc.). The Canon software
installed on the PC seems to be communicating fine with the printer as it
tells me I'm out of cyan ink, etc., but I am unable to add the printer back
using the Add a Printer Wizard. I get through to the Finish step and it
tells me "Unable to Install Printer. The print processor does not exist."

I have no idea what this means or why I'd receive this error when I've not
had this issue before. Sounds like possibly a file or dll was deleted or
corrupted, but I've not removed anything. Reinstalling the Canon software
does nothing, changing the USB cable or port does nothing, so I have no way
to print right now. Couldn't find anything useful in the MS KB.

ANY help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!


Boot into Safe Mode, open Device Manager, remove any and all instances of
the printer, reboot and try identifying the printer again.

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