Help and Suppoert Center Online stopped searching Knowledge Base



My Help and Support Center suddenly stopped receiving responses from
Microsoft Knowledge Base. It lists "0 results" for knowledge base while the
other searches continue to respond as before. I have checked the search
option settings and they are unchanged and I do have a connection to the

Has anyone else experienced this and, if so, what is the fix?

This problem coincided with the upgrade to XP SP2 , but it has happened to
me once before. I was only able to fix the problem with a reinstall of
Windows (this problem was not the reason for the reinstall). I have been
unable to find any info on this problem in the knowledge base or elsewhere.



Thanks, but I was not able to configure the Search Companion to have any
effect on Help and Support Center. Another part of that document deals
directly with Online Searches and http port 80, but I have been unsuccessfull
in getting any Knowledge Base responses. The search comes back with "0
results" which is I think indicating the request is going out, but Knowledge
Base is returning no repsonses. I have tried reconfiguring Windows Firewall,
ZoneAlarm, Group Policy, Local Policy, Data Execution Prevention, Help Center
Search configuration, my internet connection, added IIS components, etc. with
no results. I'm about ready to quit. I'm not about to reinstall for a minor
issue like this. This has got to be a changed setting or a new file or
something with XP SP2.



FYI. Anyone having this problem should try uninstalling their download
manager tto see if it cures the problem. It has worked for several of us, so
it may work for you. The brand of download manager does not seem to matter.
See az's explanation in the post under this topic. Of course, it is always
possible that other factors are at work here and this may not be a 100% fix
for everyone, but give it a try. For me, anyway, it all started with SP2,
which is a large and complex update. The number of posts on this this site is
staggering, but it only caused thie one issue with my system. Good luck!

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