Freeze During Installation



I am trying to do a clean install of Windows XP Home on
my 3-year-old Gateway 1.5G machine. I reformatted the
hard drive using the Windows setup procedure and started
installation of Windows files. I get to the point where
Windows reboots the system, the reboot starts and the
screen comes up saying "Press any key to boot from
CD .....". It is supposed to continue beyond that but
doesn't. Just freezes. (If I hit a key, of course, the
installation process starts all over.) I repeated this
perhaps a dozen times (including unplugging all
peripherals except keyboard and mouse). Freezes every

I spoke with Microsoft tech support and their conclusion
(and mine) is that it is either a corrupted Windows CD or
a defective hard drive. Since the hard drive was working
just fine before trying to setup Windows, Microsoft sent
me a new Windows XP CD. This didn't solve the problem.
The same freeze happens at the same point using two
different Windows CDs.

I then tried setting up Windows on a second hard drive.
Same thing. Same freeze.

I am baffled. If anybody has an idea, I'd appreciate it.


Sounds like a BIOS problem. After the initial install and
the restart go into the BIOS and select boot from the C
drive only. This will force the BIOS to start from the
installed files on the C drive. If you are not sure how to
do this simply remove the CD from the tray when the
computer restarts, this will alos force a C boot...



Thanks, Johnathan. Unfortunately, I can't get to a c:
prompt. Only a blinking cursor. Clearly, Windows setup
saw my drives because it asks which one to install on and
gives the correct information about the drives. I also
see them in my BIOS, but its as if the drives don't exist
while booting. Strange.

Your suggestion did lead me to check to see if I have the
latest BIOS version. Unfortunately, I do. But thanks


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