FP2000 & Win98SE : Cannot create disk-based Web on a network share



When attempting to create disk-based webs using FP2000
(sp3) on Win98SE clients to a network share (mapped
drive - located on either NTFS based NT4 sp6a or W2k sp4
Servers) the following error occurrs:

"An unexpected error occurred while accessing your
FrontPage Web files. Authors - If authoring against a web
server please contact the webmaster for this server's
site. WebMasters please see the server's system log for
more details."

The Frontpg.log includes the following:

10 Sep 2003 15:50:32 +0100: file:// - Error #80002
Message: System exception: access violation.
10 Sep 2003 15:50:32 +0100: (OS Error #-1073741819
Message: exception occurred at 0x67ee79b6)
10 Sep 2003 15:50:32 +0100: Received empty response from
Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions

Users can successfully create disk-based webs on the
local C: drive, but we need it to work on their own user

Additionally as a test, i created a mapped network share
(drive mapping) to a Windows 98SE based file-server and
the users could successfully create a disk-based web. (It
seems crazy that i may have to build a Win98SE based file
server to get around this issue!)

Finally. I installed FrontPage on a Windows XP (sp1a)
client, and successfully created a disk-based web on the
exact same network share that the Windows 98SE clients
were unable to do.

I located a doucement from MS titled "How to use
FrontPage 2000 without FrontPage Extensions" and it
clearly states...Setting up a disk-based Web is as simple
as selecting a drive and directory to hold your Web site!

Sufficient NTFS Permission are setup on the NT4/W2K
servers (error also occurrs with Full Control permissions)

Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
When attempting to create disk-based webs using FP2000
(sp3) on Win98SE clients to a network share (mapped
drive - located on either NTFS based NT4 sp6a or W2k sp4
Servers) the following error occurrs:

"An unexpected error occurred while accessing your
FrontPage Web files. Authors - If authoring against a web
server please contact the webmaster for this server's
site. WebMasters please see the server's system log for
more details."

Have you tested file access to the same NT4 or W2K
sharename via Notepad?

Can a W2K or WinXP Pro client create disk-based Webs on
these same sharenames?

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||



The file shares that the user's are (attempting) to save
disk-based Fp2000 Web files to, is the same exact home
drive that they use for all other applications
successfully. (MS Office 2000, etc etc)

Windows XP clients with the same drive mapping/share can
create and save disk-based web files with no problem at

I am totally baffled! Looks like i might have to build a
Windows 98 based file server and the users connect to a
share off that...This seems a ridiculous workaround.

Could it be that FP2000 on the client is thinking that
the mapped drive has Server Extensions (which of cause it
won't as all i want to do is save disk-based web files)
or FP2000 on the WIN98SE client is having difficulties
with the NTFS permissions on the file share??? for some
odd reason (as they work fine for ALL other applications
we use)

The version of MSIE is v5.0 on the WIN98SE clients. I've
even tried upgrading a test client to MSIE v6 SP1 just in
case it was that, but same errors occurr.

Hope this is enough info for you.

Thomas A. Rowe


Have you tried creating the web for the user within the share via FP under
Windows XP, and then see if the Windows 98 SE FP user can access the new
created disk-based web?

Is there a reason why you can use IIS and give the users server based webs?
One subweb per user.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.



I originally tried creating the disk-based web files on
the WIn98SE Clients and saving to the C Drive
(Successfully) then copied them over to their user area.
But when you attempt to continue working on the files
(via the network drive mapping) the same errors occur

I know that the IIS with server based webs is an option,
but its seems extreme, for the sake of 20 or so users. As
for managing and securing the IIS server, that is
something that i have limited knowledge (and probably
time) to do...

I am not sure what the implications (inc performance) are
of installing IIS on our file server, and how can i then
stop the other users accessing the web sites that the 20
or so users have created??? etc etc

Thomas A. Rowe


Ok I understand why you want to avoid IIS, however it is not that bad to set

However try:

From Windows 98, access the user share, and create a folder via Windows
Explorer or MyComputer, then open the folder via FP, FP should inform you
that it needs to add files to make it a web. If this works, then you now
have a disk-based web.

If the above doesn't work, try:
From Windows XP, create a folders on the share, then open the folder via
FP... from Windows XP. If that works, go back to the Windows 98 machine and
see if you can now access the web via FP that you just created with FP under
Windows XP.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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