formatting access databases



i'm working on a database of businesses for a non-profit right now and i need
to format it in a certain way.

there are a number of fields for the database (about 20) so i'm having
trouble fitting all the fields that pertain to one history onto one page.
access tends to extend everything horizontally onto the next page. for
example, for the first business, fields 1-8 will be on page 1 while fields
9-15 will be on page two and so on. instead of 9-15 being on page two i
would like to make it so it snakes down so it's on page 1 right below fields
1-9 and so on. and then i would like information on business 2 to begin
right after that. is there anyone that can help me with that? i'd
appreciate it so much. thank you.


It sounds like you're looking at the data either in table view or directly
via a query.
Use a form or a report : they're designed to present database information in
a meaningful way.


I would refer you more specifically to the answer Al Camp gave when you asked
virtually the same question with the title "fields, columns, reports and a
jumbled mess" on 7th July. Or when you asked the same question with the title
"how do I show fields go down page instead of onto next page" on 6th July.

If you don't understand the answer, please don't continually post new
threads - reply to the answer saying what you don't understand about it, or
explain why you can't do it this way : people will be more able to help you
if you keep the information together in one thread.


Hi JackP,

Thanks for your reply. After a bit of exploration, I discovered the report
and form functions myself. They've been very useful. So you're advice was
right on the money. Sorry about the multiple questions but I was unable to
get to the first post to see if there were any responses. Yeah, I'm not that
well-versed with using this feature of microsoft help. Sorry for "spamming."
Anyway, thanks again for your help. most appreciated.


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