
May 26, 2005
Reaction score
Hello to all once more...I'm back with another problem on the same hardware/software...

I'm using a COMPAQ PRESARIO R3200 NOTEBOOK using windows xp home sp1, AMD64 processor, 512mb ram...

I'm still not sure as to wether this is a software or a hardware problem...but I'll begin posting here and then move if neccessarry..

Basically heres the problem..
The other night I left a program running (avi2dvd) as it takes a few hours to convert files..
The next day, I found the laptop had been constantly rebooting...This is similar to a problem I had a while back where the MBR became corrupted and the only solution became to reformat and re-install..
Except this time, I can actually start-up windows (only if I skip the chkdsk process - if I leave chkdsk running I get:"File record segment 512,513,514,515 unreadable." the other steps of chkdsk complete without a problem, and I then get a restart which returns me to a blue progress bar at the bottom of the screen, and then after about 40 minutes an XP logo screen and then the process repeats....) and log on and use the internet and all the programs...I just can't access one of the partitions on the hard-disk. The last reformat, I deliberately created 3 partitions to avoid the same problem..1 for windows system only (D), 1 for storage (C) and 1 extra (I was considering installing a linux system at some point) the extra being unformatted (E). The other partitions (C: and D) being NTFS.
The windows system partition (D) is fine, all the programs work and I can browse with no problems,although the system has become really slow. Its the C: partition that I can no longer access and the label has also gone.
On attempting to access it thru My Computer, I get "c:\ is not accessible. Error performing in-page process.".

My first reaction to this was to attempt to recover files using PC INSPECTOR. I managed to recover files from the non-readable C: thats what?

My second thought was to use the XP-DISc to reboot from and then reformat the unreadable partition.
However, the xp-disc seems to not be recognised ( I did change the boot order in bios aswell!) and the process skips straight to the blue progress bar mentioned above... So that don't work....

I also opend the COMMAND PROMPT program and tried to DIR the C: partition, uh uh, not having it, not recognised...

I think this problem is a combination of hardware and software malfunctions, but I am lost a to what to do next...I'm actually posting this from the notebook in question via my indoor wireless network...Its almost as if there isn't a problem at all (except the speed is definately slower for everything!)...

I have been googling for answers, and have nothing that helpful. Just in case ,heres the model of my cd/dvd+rw drive: HL-DT-ST DVD+RW GCA-4040N
And my hard disk:ST94019A

Thanks in advance!..
oops, not looking good :-(

Well, I would say your HD is failing/failed ... record segment unreadable, is not what people want to see, it usually means 'bad sectors', and that is physical damage to the drive. :(

All HD manufacturers these days have some HD tools you can download and test the HD. I suggest you try that ... :thumb:
damn......I suppose changing the hard-disk for a new one is my next step then...and the dvd drive which is ****e...

I have read so many bad reports about this notebook because it comes with this crap cd/dvd drive by default which does not recognise certain mediums on a random basis...Like now I cant even boot from cd-rom! Thre last time I reformatted, I booted from the same cd-rom....I thouight this may be a driver/firmware problem but was unable to find an update for this hardware...

kel said:
Sorry ... been singing that tune for years. :cool:

The chorus goes ... Comcrap, Crapard Hell, Hewlet Crapard & HP sauce mix it together and you get ... Dell Hell. ;)
I Hate Seagate!

I finally found the manufacturer of my hard-disk....SEAGATE....

I remeber first setting out to build my own pc...and being told NEVER to buy a SEAGATE HARDDISK by a friend...Now I know why!...

Unfortunately, this notebook (that was bought for my girlfriend by someone who knows nothing about computers) came bundled with this drive!...grrr...

Heres the specs page for it:,1081,621,00.html

The site does have a HDD diagnostic tool downloadable as an ISO that I have burnt to CD...
Its currently trying to sort out the bad sectors...

But should it fail, do you know of any decent FREE HDD tools that will actually sort out my partition?

Save me having to download programs only to find out they don't work! (like I already have done today)..

If you have 'bad sectors' then you have a duff drive ... it will need replacing ASAP ... get your data off now.

kel said:
I finally found the manufacturer of my hard-disk....SEAGATE....

I remeber first setting out to build my own pc...and being told NEVER to buy a SEAGATE HARDDISK by a friend...Now I know why!...

I find that a bit harsh. I've got a Seagate HDD in one of my towers that has served me well for 6+ years now, not one single problem what-so-ever.

Don't forget all hardware has a lifespan and can go pop at anytime, whatever the make.
Thanks, sorted!...

Just a quick not to say that I have solved this problem...

I bought another HDD for the notebook, formatted it via a usb to ide cable on another system, and got another xp pro boot cd.

The original boot cd we got with the notebook (xp home sp1a) would not run or boot.

Thanks to all for your help on this subject.