explorer.exe is going to hell



Okay yeah I know this has been posted before, but the other posts I have read
haven't helped me. So here goes nothing...

Whenever I open My Computer, Windows Explorer blah blah etc etc... I get

"Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience."

and there is an Error Signature:

"AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106 ModName: hyperbar.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0000e956"

Can anyone resolve this? I only knew of one way to do it, and that was to do
a System Restore...but that didn't work this time, and now I'm panicking. I
am running Windows XP SP1 (I don't want to upgrade to SP2, or at least not
yet) and this error happened when I was playing a game, and I had AIM open,
and someone Im'ed me, and then AIM crashed, and now I can't open anything
involving explorer.exe, and I can't send or receive IM's on AIM, it just says
AIM has encountered and error blah blah then it closes. I use trillion as a
backup but I still want to be able to use AIM and my computer. Thanks for any
and all help, this is killing me.


I forgot to mention, not sure if this has anything to do with it but...

In my Task Manager, I see "winslogon.exe" and "WINLOGON.EXE" this hasn't
happened before that I know of.


Oh wow! Thank you soo much that did the trick! I had no idea a little
parasite could ruin my computer like that. Thank you so much!

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