explorer error (mp3info.dll)



On the odd mp3s that I have the Explorer Error window popping up with the
following error:
AppName: explorer.exe AppVer: 6.0.2900.2180
ModName: mp3info.dll ModVer:
Offset: 000032ca
I cannot highlight the mp3, delete or anything. explorer restarts even
though everything remains running in the background. I'm stumped!!



Chris O'Grady

mp3info.dll comes with VCom's Powerdesk file manager.

A conflict can arise if a certain file properties extension utility called
"MP3Ext" is also installed.

Solution (worked for me): find mp3info.dll (usually in Powerdesk program
folder) and rename or delete.

May also need to rename or delete mp3tag.dll, which is in same folder but
didn't need to do this on my system

Hope this helps.


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